Revisiting the Role of the European Union on the Iran Nuclear Deal (JCPOA)
Summary JCPOA is very crucial to stability in the Middle East, and to prevent nuclear proliferation in the region. This time, the US could not unilaterally exert influence upon its European Allies and the Security Council. The Europeans dismissed the idea that the US...
It is elections day!!!
What an exhausting couple of months, or even years, it has been. I still vividly remember four years ago, that fateful night in 2016, the up and downs, the false hopes, and then the unequivocal truth… Among the deluge of polls, opinions, and fake news, the situation...
The Ceasefire in Libya: Its Implications for the Region?
MENA Task Force Brief by Emre Bilgin, Erman Atak, Furkan Akar, Hasan Suzen, Ibrahim Jouhari, Onur Sultan NOVEMBER 2, 2020| 14 min read Background On October 23, the UN has announced that military representatives of Libya’s warring parties agreed on a permanent...
J-31 – China’s Second Stealth Bomber Rolling Out…
Background New photos of China's second stealth aircraft, have been posted on Chinese media since May 2020; first photos had appeared in May 2018. It appears to be an improved version with some modifications to its aerodynamic design, just like the prototype that...
The End to the UN Sanctions on Iran – What Will Be the Repercussions?
MENA Task Force Brief by Ibrahim Jouhari, Emre Bilgin, Onur Sultan, Furkan Akar, Hasan Suzen OCTOBER 23, 2020| 14 min read Background On May 8, 2018, the US President Donald Trump, announced the US unilaterally withdrew from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action...
European Smart and Ethical LEAs (EUROSEL)
It is not a secret that organised crime and terrorist organisations are perfectly manipulating information technologies and social media for their purposes which span from communication to fundraising or from recruiting to operational planning. This superiority in...
The UAE-Israel Normalization – What Does It Exactly Mean?
MENA Task Force Brief by Ibrahim Jouhari, Emre Bilgin, Zafer Kizilkaya, Erman Atak, Onur Sultan, Furkan Akar, Hasan Suzen OCTOBER 16, 2020| 9 min read Background On June 19, UAE-affiliated Southern Transitional Council (STC) forces wrested control of the Socotra...
Questioning the Sectarian Discourse: A more Holistic Look into Changing Dynamics of the Syrian Civil War
Abstract The main effort in this article is to find out the main causes of the Syrian Civil War via questioning the common discourse that presents sectarian fault lines as the main cause. In this context, this article argues that instead of a reductionist sectarian...
J-20 – The “Backbone” of the Chinese Air Force
Background On 1 October 2019, J-20 was among high-profile flyovers conducted by the People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) with J-16 and J-10C advanced fourth-generation fighters armed with the latest air-to-air missiles (AAMs), during a major military parade led...
Will China use hard power?
Undoubtedly, one of the most curious issues about China in the West is whether China will use military power anywhere in the world. Scholars are often presented with this question. In order to answer this, it is necessary to look at what value judgements that society...
How Disruptive Technologies Affect Deterrence, Defence and Security
How Disruptive Technologies Affect Deterrence, Defence and Security All spheres of life are affected by exponential technological innovation, especially in the digital domain. It has contributed to the democratisation of technologies, coming predominantly from the...
H-20 – China’s New Stealth Bomber Could “Double” Strike Range
The Zhuhai Airshow to be conducted in November 2020 is expected to become a venue to promote a positive image of China by showcasing its success in pandemic control. China will unveil its new stealth bomber as a way of proving the coronavirus pandemic has not affected...
Has the Longest War Come to an End?
After two-year-long relentless work and tremendous efforts of Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation Zalmay Khalilzad and his team, on September 12, 2020 - the day after the 19th anniversary of 9/11 terrorist attacks - historic peace talks began between...
Cracking Alliance: Western Libya groups fell out with each other
The street protests in Tripoli against the head of UN-backed Government of National Accord (GNA) lighted the blue touch paper with the shattering Western Libya alliance fighting against Khalifa Haftar’s LNA since April 2019. Libyans on the street were protesting...
Book Review: Russia’s Border Wars and Frozen Conflicts
James J. Coyle’s book “Russia’s Border Wars and Frozen Conflicts”[1] focuses on four conflicts on the periphery of the former Soviet Union, namely Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia and Nagorno-Karabagh. Coyle examines origins and execution of Russian military and political...
CSDP Partnership in EUFOR RCA*
Introduction EUFOR RCA was the EU’s military operation in the Central African Republic[1], launched on 1 April 2014. The EU started to search for partners from the very beginning and cooperated with the United Nations (UN), African Union (AU) and the selected third...
The Prime Minister election’s, and government formation in Lebanon
After seven long months, during which the Lebanese went through a popular uprising, a COVID 19 pandemic, a worsening economic and financial crisis, currency devaluation, and a large explosion that destroyed parts of Beirut, the government of Hassan Diab has resigned....
Pandemic Pressure: The Coronavirus Is Antagonizing America’s Relationships
China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea, have hoped to counter U.S. military pressures and economic sanctions in an effort to overstretch U.S. political-military and financial capabilities across the world through both symmetrical and asymmetrical military measures and...
Strategic security implications due to COVID-19 pandemic
The 9/11 attacks redefined the global security context on terrorism and targeted violence. Similarly, COVID- 19 causes us to reconsider what composes a security threat. In the evolving security environment, it is essential to look beyond current realities and timely...
A basic primer on Lebanon’s political changes
Lebanese ministers and MPs have been resigning in drove following the tragic explosion in the port of Beirut, and the subsequent popular anger against the whole political class. On Saturday a huge demonstration took place, and the following day popular movement...
The end of Lebanon’s Liberal model?
The current multifaceted crisis engulfing Lebanon has started a very dangerous political and economic shift that could have a disastrous effect on Lebanon’s Liberal economic model in the long run. Indeed, the liberal model, focusing on personal freedoms,...
The Pandemic and the Limits of Realism*
The foundational international relations theory has been revealed to be far less realistic than it claims. Stephen Walt’s “The Realist’s Guide to the Coronavirus Outbreak,” together with some of his other recent articles, are compelling examples of how realist...
Disruptive technology applications for Integrated Air and Missile Defense
Introduction The world has witnessed enormous and continuous technological developments in recent years, some of which have changed our lives dramatically. What is striking about recent technological surge though, unlike the situation after World War I and II, the...
Libya in search for its new normal
Despite UN statements over the agreed cease-fire, the intensity of the fight for Sirte and Jufra airbase increases. Following a rapid retreat from western Libya cities, LNA —highly likely backed by Russian aircraft and mercenaries —gathers forces to demonstrate a...
Cards are reshuffling in Libya: End of Haftars offensive on Tripoli
Following their success in the west of Libya and Al-Watiya airbase, GNA advance continued this week. Tripoli International airport and its neighbouring towns like Ain Zara, Wadi Al-Rabi in the south of the capital are now under the GNA control. Failing to withstand...
Conditions Change, but Stalemate Stays: Dangerous game in Libya
By Erman Atak* and Stefano Marcuzzi** Despite the growing number of Covid-19 victims in Libya in mid-May,[1] the civil war in the country is reaching new highs. The capital Tripoli has been under siege from the leader of eastern Libya-based self-styled Libyan...
A year has passed since Khalifa Haftar’s attack on the Libyan capital, Tripoli
Slightly more than a year passed over start of retired General Khalifa Haftar’s attack on the Libyan capital, Tripoli. It was on April 4, 2019 exactly, a time when Libyans were awaiting the holding of the Libyan Forum on April 14, 2019 in the city of Ghadames as a...
A Europe that Protects? U.S. Opportunities in EU Defense*
What’s New in European Defense? Europe is pursuing significant new defense initiatives that span capability development, policy, and institutional cooperation. Many of these efforts occur under the auspices of the European Union and are part of the EU’s longstanding...
Regional Security in the Middle East**
“Regional Security in the Middle East” by Pinar Bilgin is an amalgamation of efforts to depict and understand the interactive dynamics of security and security agenda in / for the Middle East. Even though Regions and Powers by Buzan and Waewer succeeds in giving an...
Who will Govern the Cyberspace?
A Debate on Multi-stakeholderism vs. Multilateralism Abstract Today, cyberspace is governed in an environment where decisions are taken by multiple actors, including governments, businesses, civil society, and individuals or briefly "stakeholders." This bottom-up...
An Alternative China
China is gradually turning into a country that closes the shutters. There is a giant in front of us and walls grow in front of it as it grows. We will not be able to see what is happening behind the wall; there is not much left, except for a tiny ray leaking out. Just...
Poseidon-A Doomsday Scenario Stands Out
Background In September 2015, the Poseidon program became public for the first time, when the Russian state television "accidentally" showed a picture of Poseidon, nuclear-powered submarine drone, also known as unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) or autonomous...
Changes of The Border Notion from A Historical Perspective and China’s Approach to the ENP
Introduction European Neighborhood Policy (ENP) in a way relates to a geographical and political border concept. To understand how China looks at the EU and the world, first we need to understand China’s perception of border. Accordingly, the main objective of this...
Oil Crash Future Ramifications-2020
April 20th, 2020, was a historic and shocking day for oil investors as West Texas Intermediate (WTI) went below zero for the first time in history. This more-to-follow crisis was highly expected as indicated in my previous commentary. It’s a common view among not only...
Polarisation: Understanding the dynamics of Us versus Them**
Bart Brandsma’s book at hand is a timely and precious contribution considering the time we live in. The book opens up the debate on how to manage divergent voices and preserve public order while respecting the democratic right of free speech and free articulation of...
Rethinking Security Governance**
The term security governance has become a buzzword in the realm of security studies, especially after 9/11 attacks. Yet, there are few empirical works on the unintended consequences of security governance and no work on conceptualizing and theorizing the concept....
China and the Global Governance in Post-COVID-19 Era
Chinese scholars have always considered the EU to be destined for destruction; while considering NATO to be unnecessary. According to them the biggest problem of the EU is its failure to achieve political unification. On the other hand, conditions during the cold war,...
COVID 19 Could Mean Devastation in the Worst Humanitarian Crisis in the World
Though easy to treat in existence of adequate health care system and medications, the cholera has been raging Yemen. The cumulative number of suspected cholera cases reported from October 2016 to January 2020 is more than 2 million, including 3910 related deaths. To...
The Corona Cyber Guide for the Companies
My two cents will not tell you about the human trials for the Corona virus vaccine or the timeline for the global immunization, and how many times you have to wash your hands daily. My guidance does not include foot-shaking or the type of the hand-gel you are...
Oil Politics During the Corona Outbreak
Corona virus has started affecting a large extent aspect of our lives, particularly in social and economic fields, of which this unprecedentedly fast-spreading novel virus seems to surge dramatically and worsen the situation for unpredictable amount of time. Yet,...
The Making of a Superpower
China’s Use of Crises To Deepen and Extend Power and Influence In Europe and the World. Standing in solidarity with countries in Europe and elsewhere in the fight against COVID-19China scores a diplomatic coup and extends its claim to global leadership. Overview In...
Is COVID-19 an End to Unipolar Global System? What May be the Role of NATO in the New System?
The whole world is trying to find out how to fight against the new coronavirus. The level of anxiety increases as the virus' spreading speed increases. As Merkel, Chancellor of Germany, stated humanity is facing the biggest disaster since World War II. Curfews are...
Corona Virus and Probable Repercussions It Might Have
The world woke up to the outbreak of COVID-19 or coronavirus as often called by the general public in December 2019. The initial perception that it would be contained within borders of China where it was first spotted fell apart as the virus further spread to Europe...
Coronavirus (Covid-19) and Impacts on the Society
Coronavirus disease spreads all over the world. China, as the birthplace of the disease, has been taken dozens of precautions from December 2019 on. Outside Asia, Italy has been the most severely impacted place by coronavirus. There are 35,713 confirmed cases as of...
Beyond the Horizon response to COVID-19
Beyond the Horizon ISSG and Horizon Global Academy (HGA), like other international organizations, are closely monitoring the COVID-19 outbreak and has taken preventative measures. We welcome the leading efforts of the World Health Organization and Belgian Health...
Tsirkon Hypersonic Missile is Suffering From ‘Childhood Diseases’
Recent Developments Russia is developing six “NextGen” missile systems; however, some of them are currently suffering from "childhood illnesses". One of those is Tsirkon (3M22 Zirkon) according to the Chief Admiral of Russian Navy. Admiral Nikolai Evmenov,...
What is happening in Idlib province?
Several weeks ago, the Syrian regime decided to take one of the last holdouts of the rebels, in Idlib. The area is right at the border with Turkey, and after the Sochi agreement, Turkey has a military presence there in the form of several observation posts, ensuring...
Discovering Outliers for Upcoming Terrorist Strategies
Terrorist groups always strive to outmaneuver counter-terrorism agencies with different tactics and strategies for making successful attacks. Therefore, understanding unexpected attacks is becoming more and more important. Studying such attacks will help identify the...
A Fragile Agreement for Bringing Peace to Afghanistan
February 29, 2020 is marked as one of the most important dates in the recent history of Afghanistan. After two decades of turmoil that claimed the lives of approximately 157,000 people (of more than 43,000 are civilians and 4,000 are coalition soldiers (nearly 2,500...
Is there a possibility of leaving the Montreux Convention?
The reemergence of the Canal Istanbul project brought some discussions on the Montreux Straits Convention on the agenda. The Treaty of Lausanne and Montreux Straits Convention were proof of the existence of the newly established Republic of Turkey and are a symbol of...
Sarmat** with “Practically Unlimited” Range
1. Background On 1 March 2018, Russian President Vladimir Putin, in his speech to the Federal Parliament, gave an overview of the development status of several "new generation" strategic weapon systems specifically designed to escape U.S. missile defense systems. He...
Will Prime Minister Hassan Diab be another Hoss or a Mikati?
Prime Minister Hassan Diab government has finally won the parliament’s confidence vote this Tuesday, with one of the lowest scores in the modern history of Lebanon, managing only 63 votes out of 128. The day witnessed massive popular protests, that tried to derail the...
Westlessness in Munich Security Conference 2020
56th Munich Security Conference (MSC) took place between 14-16 February 2020. Regarded as Davos of foreign and security policy circles, MSC serves as a platform to exchange ideas for high-profile decision-makers all over the world. Traditionally, a report is published...
Russian NexGen Missiles a Superiority over Hypersonic Missiles
Abstract This article provides an overview of hypersonic missile technology and where Russia stands in this regard in order to build a reference point to see a global picture. After a description of six "next generation" missiles of Russia, the reader is introduced...
Crisis in Afghanistan is Getting Deeper
Afghanistan is struck by severe armed violence and political impasse. Peace talks are seemingly going nowhere, circling around requests for; a reduction in violence by the U.S. (which has never happened), a peace deal between the U.S. and the Taliban before Taliban...
Changes of the Border Notion from a Historical Perspective and China’s Approach to European Neighbourhood Policy
First, I will focus on the changes in meaning of borders for China and its political stance throughout the history. Then I will mention China’s approach to the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). Neighborhood Policy in a way relates to a geopolitical border concept....
BlockChain Technology and Its Repercussions on Military Technology
Blockchain technology began to occupy public agenda with the expansion of crypto coins as an investment and payment method. Blockchain, which has the support of smart contracts as well as mathematical algorithms, is speculated to have great potential in many areas...
SKYFALL-Artificial Intelligence in Modern Warfare
Background The Russian Defense Ministry stated that at least two service members were killed and four injured on 08 August 2019 following the blast at a testing ground on the northern coastline of Russia. On 12 August, the...
A Network-based Approach for Understanding Suicide Attack Behavior*
Terrorists are increasingly using suicide attacks to attack different targets. The government finds it challenging to track these attacks since the terrorists have learned from experience to avoid unsecured communications such as social media. Therefore, we propose a...
Berlin Conference; Keeping the promises is the key to success!
Merkel highlighted two main results of the Berlin Conference; the first one is continuation of a fragile truce, which could turn into a permanent cease-fire through military committee negotiations of the warring factions and the second one is the re-commitment of the...
The social realities behind the discourse of “Radicalization”
Abstract Beyond abstract or conceptual aspects, “counter-radicalisation” in practitioners’ use refers to a contextual action plan with relevant online and offline components deemed necessary to prevent radicalisation. Nearly every country conducts tailored...
Book Review: When Trees Fall, Monkeys Scatter: Rethinking Democracy in China*
‘When Trees Fall, Monkeys Scatter: Rethinking Democracy in China’ is an important book that tackles a timely and depressing issue of our times, the emergence of new types of regimes. John Keane, the author of the book, is renowned for his imaginative thinking about...
Long-awaited cease-fire: Why now?
Possibility of Turkish military intervention caused an increase in the external military support to Haftar. Despite his powerful words and Parliamentary approval to troop deployment plans, Erdogan is not able to send a decisive force to back GNA side. On the other...
The Implications of Gender on International Migration
Abstract The purpose of this research is to provide a critical review of the literature of gender in international migration studies. After presenting and analyzing the role of gender in general concepts/drivers of global migration, I focus on how gender shapes the...
What is next on the U.S. – Iran Conflict?
Never-ending tension in the Middle East escalated once again when the U.S. killed a crucial Iranian military figure, Qasem Soleimani, in Iraq months before the U.S. presidential election. Soleimani’s death, of course, outraged the Iranian government, not only because...
The Impact of PESCO for the European Defence Industry
Thank you very much for having me via video-link. Congratulations to the friends at Beyond the Horizon for mounting this impressive conference. I apologise for not being able to join you in person and would like to thank the organisers for allowing me to beam in from...
Analysis of the Attack to Kill Soleimani and Repercussions for US and Beyond
A qaytusha attack killed one US contractor on an Iraqi base in Kirkuk on 27 December. To reciprocate, the US bombed three sites in Iraq and Syria belonging of Kataib Hezbollah, a designated terrorist group which US holds responsible. As retaliation to this US action...
Who should worry first, if the BMD radar in Turkey is to be shut down?
The matter of the possible ‘closure’ of the Incirlik base, which has always been on the agenda in every turbulent period in Turkish-American relations, has come up once again in the previous days. This time, the new turbulent period started with the Turkish...
Libya Stalemate
Background In the last couple of weeks, we have been witnessing the most active times of the Libya crisis According to news coming from front lines, defenders of the Tripoli are in dire straits in the eye of Haftar’s LNA. Increased Russian interference; US reactions...
What is the biggest trump card Turkey having against US sanctions?
When Turkey, while it was a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) in 2010, voted “NO” to the resolution to impose sanctions on Iran, western media brought the discussion about Turkey changing its axis, once again. Such talks were outtalked...
Europe in Frantic Diplomatic Efforts to Avert Iran Clash
In spite the geopolitical escalation and fiery rhetoric between the West and Iran in recent weeks, there are indications that lines of communications remain active with some hope of a window of opportunity opening to a new phase of negotiations and some sort of...
International meddling added a new dimension to Libya Crisis
This week —thanks to superior air support and Russian mercenaries— Haftar’s LNA succeeded in gaining more ground in its endeavor to capture capital Tripoli. Witnessing significant impact of direct involvement of Russian fighters and weapons in the battlefield, the GNA...
An Agent Based Approach for Understanding Complex Terrorism Behaviors
Understanding the behavior of a terrorist group is a complex phenomenon because of the uncertainty in strategies and tactics used by terrorists. Current literature suggests that terrorism has an evolutionary nature and terrorist groups change behavior according to a...
New framework that uses patterns and relations to understand terrorist behaviours
Terrorism is a complex phenomenon with high uncertainties in user strategy. The uncertain nature of terrorism is a main challenge in the design of counter-terrorism policy. Government agencies (e.g., CIA, FBI, NSA, etc.) cannot always use social media and...
Lowering down US concerns over Europe’s Defence Take
The U.S has many times voiced concerns over the Europeans' will to develop a strategic autonomy in recent years. Arguably, the different defence initiatives the EU is undertaking could undermine NATO’s strength by creating duplications and discrimination between...
Technology on the frontier of race for Global Domination: Cyberspace, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics
I have studied computer science and developed in the area of artificial intelligence and since then pursuing my research with an emphasis on creating support technology and specifically the support of decision making. To a large extend, my aim is to form a debate in...
The Impact of High-Tech Actors in Transatlantic Defence Cooperation
I will reflect on the role of the private sector in future transatlantic defence cooperation. It is often stated that emerging technologies are especially pioneered by the private sector. The private sector makes up an increasing share in global R&D spending and...
Why does Trump want to buy Greenland?
The President of the United States of America (USA) Donald Trump has said that he wants to buy Greenland Island. This request surprised both the autonomous administration of Greenland and Denmark. Upon the reactions from both sides, Trump canceled the official visit...
Third State Participation in PESCO
We had a lot of development on defense over the last two years. In 2016, the security environment changed, the strategic context was changed and of course the political context with Brexit was changed. It was like the perfect storm and it came together around the...
The Impact of PESCO for the Transatlantic Defence Industry
Thank you very much. I have to say that I will not provide an institutional point of view from the European Parliament but a research point of view. When I was asked to speak about the implications of PESCO for the transatlantic defence industry, my first reaction was...
Whither Humanitarian Intervention?
Dr. Aziz Erdogan* & Paul Weber** 1. Introduction The UN Charter is a certification of the system created with the Westphalian Treaty of 1648, in that the charter recognizes the state as an equal member of the family of nations. As such, the state is to be...
New Horizons Summit from the Audience
The conference on Transatlantic defence cooperation, organised by Beyond the Horizon, on October 22nd, was a useful and welcome preparatory event before the new Commission will present shortly its programme. This programme is eagerly waited for, as Europe finds itself...
Key Note Speech “Disruptive Technologies and the Transatlantic Alliance”
All predictions are based on trend analysis: What countries or companies are researching, or working on at the time. But we should always remember for the future is not the end of the trend line. Why? Well, to begin with, we made the mistake of writing histories of...
New Horizons Summit 2019 Opening Remarks
Ladies and gentlemen, Excellencies, let me first thank the organizer, Beyond the Horizon, for inviting me today. It is indeed a real honour and a great pleasure for me as a representative of Belgian Foreign Affairs to address you today at this summit. Indeed, as you...
State-of-the-Art in High-Tech and Way Forward
Thank you for inviting. I'm here on behalf of AmCham EU and I think this is really a wonderful forum with a lot of diversity of thought and analysts. It's been a very robust conversation and I'm happy to support industry's perspective. I don’t want to repeat what has...
Third State Participation in EDF
Presently, the European Defence Fund is not yet a reality but there are two pilot programmes that are already up and running. First, I would like to take a step back and qualify the impression that, I think, is emanating from previous information: to some extent the...
What to Expect from the Collaboration? Practical Industrial Cooperative Solutions
First, thanks to the organizers for this excellent event and inviting the American Chamber of Commerce to the European Union (AmCham EU). So, today, at this event, I am representing AmCham EU. I am also Acting Chairman of the NATO Industrial Advisory Group (NIAG). I...
Riyadh Agreement on Yemen: Opportunities and Challenges
Although the main objective of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) is to re-establish a Southern Arab State, Yemeni President Abdu Rabbuh Mansour Hadi tweeted shortly before the agreement, conveying the message that they have worked diligently to give the Southern...
Third Offset Strategy vs EDF
Let me start by noting that after 25 years as a U.S. Diplomat and 12 years teaching at Cranfield University, mostly at the UK Defence Academy, I know you are only going to take away one thing that I say in the course of this entire presentation. I always start out...
New Horizons Summit 2019 Proceedings – Welcome Remarks
Dear ambassadors, generals, distinguished guests! On behalf of the New Horizons Community, it is my great pleasure to welcome you to New Horizons Summit 2019, Future of the Transatlantic Defence Cooperation organized by Beyond the Horizon ISSG, one of the major think...
How European Strategic Autonomy would contribute to the Transatlantic Defence Cooperation?
It would be fair to split the context in three points: Transatlantic relations and historical periodicity Official NATO declarations often imply that there is something eternal and automatic, and of course something inherently benign, about the Euro-American Alliance....
DF-41: East Wind Coming
Introduction As other countries are also working on next-generation missiles, China is pursuing a long-term strategy in order to build strategic technologies and bridging the capacity gap with the West, following Russia’s approach. Currently, the most powerful...
War Crimes in Libya
The Report of the Amnesty International (AI) published this week is the first public investigation of the war crimes committed since the Haftar’s offensive upon Tripoli on 4 April. There were some United Nations investigations conducted by experts on some particular...
Current Russian Practices in Maritime Zones
Libya in Focus
Eight years ago, on 20 October, Moammar Gaddafi was captured and killed in his hometown Sirte and buried to an unknown grave. Since his death, Libyans have been waiting for their dreams to come true. Developments of last week are not promising though, indicating that...
DF-17: Hypersonic Glide Vehicle on the Way
Introduction Technological developments are critical for the robust national defense industry, which is deemed an essential element of national security. The Chinese military has unveiled a new hypersonic ballistic nuclear missile that could violate all existing...
Why will Yemen be the poorest country in the world by 2022?
Yemen is overlooking the Strait of Bab al-Mandab and ranks 29th in the world in terms of oil reserves. Yemen is also overlooking two seas for two thousand kilometers and shares its border with the rich Gulf countries. With all these facts, Yemen will become the...
China’s new Land Helicopter Dock, the Type 075, a steppingstone rather than a game-changer
On September 25, China launched its first type-075-class Land Helicopter Dock. Following this event, a notable amount of coverage has been generated over the last weeks. Many experts and columnists may have over-emphasized the role of China’s new vessel regarding a...
In the Run-up to International Conference on Libya
Preparations and developments related to the upcoming Libya Conference in Germany are dominating the discussions on the Libya crisis. Mediators are working hard to manage the expectations to avoid disappointment at the end of the conference. Main discussion point will...
Scraping Surface of Rhetorics: An Assessment on Latest Developments in Syria
-Turkish Operation Peace Spring continues in full swing amid fierce criticism from international community and contradictory statements by different U.S. officials. However, there is no substance beyond ostentatious remarks or statements. Because, parties to the...
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