Rapid Response for Facilitating Ukrainian Refugees’ Orientation and Labour Market Integration in Flanders

Rapid Response for Facilitating Ukrainian Refugees’ Orientation and Labour Market Integration in Flanders

  Rapid Response for Facilitating Ukrainian Refugees’ Orientation and Labour Market Integration in Flanders (1) by Fatih Yılmaz (2), Samet Coban (3) April 07, 2022 | 14 min read Ukrainian refugees arrived in Belgium (Source: Belga)1. Background The Russian...

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Book Review: Blockchain Revolution

Book Review: Blockchain Revolution

In 2008, the world was in financial turmoil. To solve this problem, a person named Satoshi Nakamoto came up with an idea that would soon spread like wildfire among computer scientists, banks, and anyone who had ever tried to establish trust on the Internet. We don’t...

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China Funds European Universities

China Funds European Universities

Concerns rise over Chinese funding to the western universities and research institutes Being self-declared foreign language schools and educational institutions, Confucius Institutes are administered by the Office of the National Chinese Language International...

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A shift in the political landscape

A shift in the political landscape

Former PM Saad Hariri announced the suspension of his personal and political party’s participation in Lebanese political life in an emotional address. The former PM explained that despite his many efforts to compromise, some are unwilling to let the country move...

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What Djokovic Affair Reminded Us

What Djokovic Affair Reminded Us

In light of recent developments surrounding the famous tennis player Novak Djokovic, Australia’s treatment of asylum seekers has once again drawn the attention of both national and international media. For those unfamiliar with the history of Australia’s detention...

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Escalation over Ukraine in face of Russian Demands for an Uncontested Sphere of Influence in Former Soviet Space

Escalation over Ukraine in face of Russian Demands for an Uncontested Sphere of Influence in Former Soviet Space

Escalation over Ukraine in face of Russian Demands for an Uncontested Sphere of Influence in Former Soviet Space Geopolitics Task Force Brief by Samet Coban(1), Hasan Suzen(2), Olena Snigyr(3), Onur Sultan(4), Saban Yuksel(5) January 20, 2022 | 17 min read Background...

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Since the start of the severe Lebanese crisis, more than two years ago, practically nothing has been done. No reforms to speak of, no capital control, no aid measures, nothing! The situation keeps getting worse, illustrated by an ever-falling exchange rate, while the...

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Handboek voor integratie-ondersteuners: Versnelde Integratie van Hoogopgeleide Vluchtelingen (HER) en Anderstaligen (HOA) op de Vlaamse Arbeidsmarkt

Handboek voor integratie-ondersteuners: Versnelde Integratie van Hoogopgeleide Vluchtelingen (HER) en Anderstaligen (HOA) op de Vlaamse Arbeidsmarkt

INTRODUCTIE Dit handboek is één van de outputs van het All-in-one 4HER/HOA project, uitgevoerd in de periode ‘december 2018 - juni 2021’ en gefinancierd door het Europees Sociaal Fonds (ESF) en de Vlaamse Overheid. Het nationaal projectconsortium bestaat uit Beyond...

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The Real Jihad for the Taliban Begins Now

The Real Jihad for the Taliban Begins Now

The Taliban toppled the internationally recognized government and now effectively rules Afghanistan. However, the country which has been in a state of war since 1979 - although showed some progress in the last 20 years -  is almost totally devastated. In almost all...

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Days Before Taliban Takeover

Days Before Taliban Takeover

Pace of events happening in Afghanistan became hard to follow. One month before the U.S./NATO complete pullout,   Taliban forces stormed western and northern provinces and within one week Taliban -at the time of reporting - controls 14 out of 34 provinces, 66% of...

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Gulf’s Alliance is Jeopardised

Gulf’s Alliance is Jeopardised

Introduction On the 5th of July, a new quarrel surfaced between the supposedly brotherly countries; the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). On this day, a OPEC+ meeting that brings together 14 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting...

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Now what!

Now what!

Unfortunately, every few months it seems that we are back to a new Prime Minister nomination and government formation. With each iteration, the economic and political conditions deteriorate, and the general security situation becomes even more dangerous in Lebanon....

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It is elections day!!!

It is elections day!!!

What an exhausting couple of months, or even years, it has been. I still vividly remember four years ago, that fateful night in 2016, the up and downs, the false hopes, and then the unequivocal truth… Among the deluge of polls, opinions, and fake news, the situation...

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