We empower decision and policymakers and practitioners with data-driven & evidence-based research, analysis & commentaries

Increased Militarisation of Space – A New Realm of Security
Abstract The military use of space is not new, yet it has developed and become more advanced today. Major powers, such as the US, China, and Russia,...
Cultural aspects in multicultural mentoring-to-work relationships
Sirppa Kinos (Turku University of Applied Sciences, Finland)Ilse Van den Berckt (Eudres,...
The potential directions of the Ukraine War in spring 2023
Abstract The Ukraine War slowed down over the past months due to the harsh weather...
International criminal justice and the war in Ukraine
Abstract The international crimes committed during the Russian invasion of Ukraine can...
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Digitalisation for integration of migrants: Necessity more than an opportunity
Digitalisation entered almost every part of human life with the pace of technology’s advance, fuelled by the pandemic and lockdown. Internet connectivity has unlocked new and faster modes of communication, and we are now more connected than ever before. Digitalisation...
Learning from experience: Comparing disaster management in the Philippines and Europe
Learning from experience: Comparing disaster management in the Philippines and Europe
Reskilled and Integrated, but How? Navigating Trauma and Temporary Hardships
Abstract Immigrants are often pressed to show how they will contribute to a host country, thus proving through their conditions of entry and human capital whether they will be perceived as an asset or burden, and this is juxtaposed with the host country’s institutions...
EU-NATO and the Eastern Partnership Countries Against Hybrid Threats: From the EU Global Strategy till the war in Ukraine
In a period of geopolitical shocks, intensifying competition, regional shifts, external pressures, and rapid changes in the security environment, it is important to pay attention to instability drivers and threats that can affect the EU and NATO and their partners....
Tunisia’s Deadlocked Situation: President Saied Takes the Authoritarian Exit
Introduction On the 25th of July 1957, Tunisia was stripped of its monarchical superstructure and became a republic. 64 years later, this day is still special to Tunisians. However, besides festivities and protests, it has recently gained a further meaningful...
Analysis of The Sunken Russian Cruiser Moskva, Its Implications for Russia and Lessons for the World Navies
ANALYSIS OF THE SUNKEN RUSSIAN CRUISER MOSKVA, ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR RUSSIA AND LESSONS FOR THE WORLD NAVIES by Furkan AKAR April 28, 2022| 15 min read 1. BACKGROUND On 13 April, the Ukrainian governor for the Odesa region, Maksym Marchenko, said on his Telegram...
Why Cold War is Not Such a Bad Idea
Depuis l’annexion de la Crimée, l’OTAN et l’UE peinent à trou- ver la juste réponse face au regain d’agressivité de la politique étrangère russe. En dépit de sa condamnation unanime de l’agression, la classe politique occidentale n’a jamais été à même de forcer la...
The Conflict in the South China Sea: A Focus on a Possible Solution
1. Introduction Over the last 10 years, the conflict in the South China Sea has been constantly in the spotlight. As China builds islands in the middle of the South China Sea, once underwater reefs have become sandy islands with airfields, roads, buildings, and bases...
The Nature of War and Strategic Theory
1. Introduction We need to discuss what war is, whether there are certain fundamentals of war that do not change through time and circumstances—namely the nature of war—or whether war has been changing. Our understanding of war’s nature inherently influences how we...
EDUC8 to Build Resilience Project kan bijdragen aan de preventie van radicalisering en polarisering
INTRODUCTIE Gewelddadige radicalisering (jihad, extreemrechts, antisemitisme, enzovoort) en polarisering zijn twee grote maatschappelijke uitdagingen die het sociale weefsel van Europa verscheuren. Radicalen zetten aan tot baldadige actie door de status quo te kaderen...
Handboek voor integratie-ondersteuners: Versnelde Integratie van Hoogopgeleide Vluchtelingen (HER) en Anderstaligen (HOA) op de Vlaamse Arbeidsmarkt
INTRODUCTIE Dit handboek is één van de outputs van het All-in-one 4HER/HOA project, uitgevoerd in de periode ‘december 2018 - juni 2021’ en gefinancierd door het Europees Sociaal Fonds (ESF) en de Vlaamse Overheid. Het nationaal projectconsortium bestaat uit Beyond...
Networking To Work: Introduction to the new models for immigrants in Belgium and Finland*
Abstract Social networks play a vital role as a source of information for immigrated people and affect many aspects of their lives. They provide access to information, for example about jobs and conditions in the host country. This article intends to highlight the...
Labour Market Integration Challenges of Highly Educated Refugees in Flanders*˚
ABSTRACT Flanders has been increasingly receiving highly educated asylum seekers and refugees (HER) for the last decade. It is interesting that native-migrant employment gap is higher for highly educated refugees than for lower educated refugees in Flanders. As a part...
A Novel Approach to the Network Analysis: Multi-Space Analysis Model
Abstract The overall objective of this paper is to provide insight for the Multi-Space Analysis Model (Network Analysis) used in the Smart Navigator System at Hybrid Core; and visualise a state-of-the-art for the model structure for further studies. The model design...
Taking a Closer Look to Immigration Policies
Abstract This article is an examination of the immigration policy formation issues in the literature. The immigration policies continue to fail today. This research provides a bird view on immigration policy issues by presenting the problematic assumptions and reasons...
Time to Focus on Building European Security Resilience: Move from Deterring Russian Aggression to Overcoming the Core Problems
Today, in this strange and difficult time of reformatting the global international order, which is already complicated by globalization and a pandemic, the European Union as a community based on the liberal values has no choice but to accept their leadership role as...
Soft Power & Global Ambition: The Case of China’s Growing Reach in Europe
Abstract This paper argues that Chinese state-owned enterprises and financial instruments facilitate China's exercise of soft power and the execution of its grand strategy. Chinese investments provide an increasingly dense network of commercial links through which...
Questioning the Sectarian Discourse: A more Holistic Look into Changing Dynamics of the Syrian Civil War
Abstract The main effort in this article is to find out the main causes of the Syrian Civil War via questioning the common discourse that presents sectarian fault lines as the main cause. In this context, this article argues that instead of a reductionist sectarian...
CSDP Partnership in EUFOR RCA*
Introduction EUFOR RCA was the EU’s military operation in the Central African Republic[1], launched on 1 April 2014. The EU started to search for partners from the very beginning and cooperated with the United Nations (UN), African Union (AU) and the selected third...
Disruptive technology applications for Integrated Air and Missile Defense
Introduction The world has witnessed enormous and continuous technological developments in recent years, some of which have changed our lives dramatically. What is striking about recent technological surge though, unlike the situation after World War I and II, the...
Conditions Change, but Stalemate Stays: Dangerous game in Libya
By Erman Atak* and Stefano Marcuzzi** Despite the growing number of Covid-19 victims in Libya in mid-May,[1] the civil war in the country is reaching new highs. The capital Tripoli has been under siege from the leader of eastern Libya-based self-styled Libyan...
A Europe that Protects? U.S. Opportunities in EU Defense*
What’s New in European Defense? Europe is pursuing significant new defense initiatives that span capability development, policy, and institutional cooperation. Many of these efforts occur under the auspices of the European Union and are part of the EU’s longstanding...
Who will Govern the Cyberspace?
A Debate on Multi-stakeholderism vs. Multilateralism Abstract Today, cyberspace is governed in an environment where decisions are taken by multiple actors, including governments, businesses, civil society, and individuals or briefly "stakeholders." This bottom-up...
Changes of The Border Notion from A Historical Perspective and China’s Approach to the ENP
Introduction European Neighborhood Policy (ENP) in a way relates to a geographical and political border concept. To understand how China looks at the EU and the world, first we need to understand China’s perception of border. Accordingly, the main objective of this...
The Making of a Superpower
China’s Use of Crises To Deepen and Extend Power and Influence In Europe and the World. Standing in solidarity with countries in Europe and elsewhere in the fight against COVID-19China scores a diplomatic coup and extends its claim to global leadership. Overview In...
Russian NexGen Missiles a Superiority over Hypersonic Missiles
Abstract This article provides an overview of hypersonic missile technology and where Russia stands in this regard in order to build a reference point to see a global picture. After a description of six "next generation" missiles of Russia, the reader is introduced...
A Network-based Approach for Understanding Suicide Attack Behavior*
Terrorists are increasingly using suicide attacks to attack different targets. The government finds it challenging to track these attacks since the terrorists have learned from experience to avoid unsecured communications such as social media. Therefore, we propose a...
The social realities behind the discourse of “Radicalization”
Abstract Beyond abstract or conceptual aspects, “counter-radicalisation” in practitioners’ use refers to a contextual action plan with relevant online and offline components deemed necessary to prevent radicalisation. Nearly every country conducts tailored...
The Implications of Gender on International Migration
Abstract The purpose of this research is to provide a critical review of the literature of gender in international migration studies. After presenting and analyzing the role of gender in general concepts/drivers of global migration, I focus on...
An Agent Based Approach for Understanding Complex Terrorism Behaviors
Understanding the behavior of a terrorist group is a complex phenomenon because of the uncertainty in strategies and tactics used by terrorists. Current literature suggests that terrorism has an evolutionary nature and terrorist groups change behavior according to a...
New framework that uses patterns and relations to understand terrorist behaviours
Terrorism is a complex phenomenon with high uncertainties in user strategy. The uncertain nature of terrorism is a main challenge in the design of counter-terrorism policy. Government agencies (e.g., CIA, FBI, NSA, etc.) cannot always use social media and...
Whither Humanitarian Intervention?
Dr. Aziz Erdogan* & Paul Weber** 1. Introduction The UN Charter is a certification of the system created with the Westphalian Treaty of 1648, in that the charter recognizes the state as an equal member of the family of nations. As such, the state is to be...
Current Russian Practices in Maritime Zones
Europe as a Security Actor and The Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP)
ABSTRACT The subject of security has been at the heart of the study of international relations especially for the past half century. It has been to some extent pivotal to the way the scholars of international relations have thought about the core purpose of discipline...
Regime Type and Counterterrorism: Revisiting the Debate
Introduction The U.S. President George Bush’s speech at National Defense University in 2005 caused a debate circulating for some time to gain more currency. He said: "It should be clear the best antidote to radicalism and terror is the tolerance kindled in free...
An Outlier-Based Intention Detection for Discovering Terrorist Strategies
Terrorist groups (attackers) always strive to outmanoeuvre counter-terrorism agencies with different tactics and strategies for making successful attacks. Therefore, understanding unexpected attacks (outliers) is becoming more and more important. Studying such attacks...
Analysis of Projects related to the Integration of Migrants
Abstract This study analyses the projects related to the integration of migrants and refugees in Flanders. The author conducts a systematic review of related projects appearing in the ESF and AMIF[*] Project database between 2013 and 2019. The results of the...
Working with refugees. Are Flemish companies ready for it?
The asylum seekers who arrived in our country during the 2015 refugee crisis are currently fully engaged in our job market. Despite the initial optimism about the economic employability of this group of newcomers, their actual labour market participation remains...
NATO Prepares for the Absence of INF Treaty
Background Euromissile crisis of the mid-1970s, which had started with Soviet Union`s deployment of newly-developed SS-20 intermediate-range missiles instead of intermediate-range SS-4 and SS-5 missiles, had led to the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty....
Recruiting Strategies in Studies about Radicalization and Extremism
Abstract Today radicalization and extremism are the two salient issues facing the policymakers in most of the countries. However, it is difficult to say that there is a consensus on the definition of radicalization. The lack of a common definition creates big...
Hybrid Warfare and Strategic Theory*
Abstract Hybrid warfare is the latest of the terms/concepts that have been used within the defence community in the last three decades to label contemporary warfare. It has been officially adopted in the core strategic documents of NATO, EU and national governments...
Migration and Human Security: Different Perspectives About Central American Migrants Caravans
Abstract At the beginning of the twenty first century Human Security (HS) is a challenge for nations. Taking the perspective from HS, integrity and individual safety for individuals which is the main focus for states as the United States and Mexico. They are...
Third-party Intervention to Civil Wars: Realist, Liberalist and English School Theoretical Perspectives
1. Introduction According to the Uppsala Conflict Data Program (UCDP), 48 of the 49 active conflicts in 2017 were fought within the boundaries of a state between government and opposing groups. 19 of these conflicts were internationalised (40%) with intervention from...
Could a ‘true’ European Army become reality? – Air Force Perspective
The debates related to ‘real European Army’, which was re-launched by French President Emmanuel Macron were further heated by German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s speech at the European Parliament on November 13, 2018. Such statements from the leaders of the two leading...
Nine Bullets for the Traitors, One for the Enemy: The Slogans and Strategy behind the Islamic State’s Campaign to Defeat the Sunni Awakening*
The Islamic State is infamous for its sophisticated media campaigns, such as the one that inspired a large-scale migration of supporters to its so-called caliphate. Much less attention has been paid to its propaganda targeting local audiences, which tends to be more...
Analysis of Academic Studies on the Integration of Displaced Persons
Abstract This research analyzed the literature on integration, assimilation, and other concepts[1] related to displaced persons[2] and refugees as experienced in their host countries. The author conducted a computer-assisted content analysis of related articles...
The Principle of Self-Determination in International Law and the Syrian Civil War
The principle of self-determination in international law is a concept that is continually evolving since the beginning of the 19th century when it entered the agenda of the international community. It has continued its evolution during the De-colonization and...
A Content Analysis on the Media Coverage of Hybrid Warfare Concept
Murat Caliskan* - Paul Alexander Cramers** Hybrid warfare is the latest of the terms/concepts that have been used within the defense community in the last three decades to label contemporary warfare. It has been officially adopted in the core strategic documents of...
Prison – Militant Jihadist Recruiting Grounds or Refuge for Rehabilitation?
Anne Speckhard* & Ardian Shajkovci** It is often argued that prisons may accelerate the process of radicalization by virtue of having vulnerable prisoners isolated from mainstream society under circumstances in which they may be potentially exposed to virulent...
Russian A2AD Strategy and Its Implications for NATO
Abstract Humans have witnessed many wars throughout the history. The weapons, equipment, tactics, doctrines and strategies used in these wars have been in a constant evolution. This evolution of warfare has depended on technological level, changes in the societies,...
Breaking the ISIS Brand in Iraq using Counter Narrative Campaigns on Facebook
By Anne Speckhard*, Ardian Shajkovci** & Neima Izadi In 2017, ISIS suffered major territorial and military defeat in Iraq. Despite the achieved success, the group remains active and in control of small pockets of territory in Iraq. It also continues to lure...
Reinforcing EU-NATO Cooperation: Walking the Talk?
Abstract While the new security environment has driven the EU to take a bigger role in security and defence, it has also forced the EU-NATO relations to evolve from a desirable strategic partnership to a more ‘essential’ one, since both their security is...
Hasan Aslan*, Onur Sultan** Abstract Yemen, as a unitary state, has long ceased to exist. Since unification in 1990, the state has been the playfield for those willing to have power and control over resources. The Houthis, an initially egalitarian...
War Beyond the Rules: States’ Use of Violence Revisited
Abstract Since the 1990s, Eastern European and African nations have experienced many intra-state conflicts, which are introduced as a concern for regional and international security by the international community. However, as the international organisations...
How to Implement Trans-Caspian Pipeline in spite of Russo-Iranian Opposition
Abstract: On 12 August 2018, a presidential summit of the Caspian littoral countries will be held in Astana, Kazakhstan. The convention on the legal status of the Caspian Sea is highly likely to be signed by all the five littorals at the summit. However, there are...
Burden Sharing at NATO and the Battle of 2 Percent
ABSTRACT Burden sharing has been one of the most hotly contested issues in NATO especially since the end of Cold War. Trump’s bitter statements about utility of the Alliance in the wake of his election and following urge by U.S. policy-makers to make Europe pay...
Fighting Terrorism Through an Effective Bureaucracy
Introduction Why do some countries experience more terrorism than others? The role of bureaucratic capacity is intensely investigated by existing research to address this puzzle, and the previous studies show that having a strong bureaucracy is useful for states to be...
New threats – different response: EU and NATO and Somali piracy
To cite this article: Marianne Riddervold (2014) New threats – different response: EU and NATO and Somali piracy, European Security, 23:4, 546-564, DOI: 10.1080/09662839.2014.937337 When the (EU) launched its first military naval mission, EU NAVFOR Somalia, Atalanta,...
Why Upcoming Convention Will Not Solve Trans-Caspian Pipeline Problem
Abstract: A presidential summit of the Caspian littoral countries is expected to be held soon this year. The convention on the legal status of the Caspian Sea is highly likely to be signed by all the five littorals at the summit. However, there are significant...
A humanitarian mission in line with human rights? Assessing Sophia, the EU’s naval response to the migration crisis
To cite this article: Marianne Riddervold (2018): A humanitarian mission in line with human rights? Assessing Sophia, the EU’s naval response to the migration crisis, European Security, DOI: 10.1080/09662839.2018.1451842 ABSTRACT This article adds to our understanding...
Structural Synergies of Power and Australia’s Policy of Offshore Processing of Asylum Seekers
By Angelo Jong, Ibrahim Genc, Joshua Saunders, Liseth Medina Vizcaino Abstract The Structural Synergies of Power (SSP) Method will be used in this global response strategy to explore the interlocking systems of power which have led to the creation of the...
2017 Piracy Assessment and Avoidance Methods from Piracy Attacks
1. Introduction: Maritime transport is crucial to the world’s economy as over 90% of the world’s trade is carried by sea, and it is the most cost-effective way to move goods and raw materials around the world at this time. The massive commercial maritime traffic makes...
The Future of Political Warfare: Russia, The West, And The Coming Age of Global Digital Competition*
By Alina Polyakova** and Spencer Phipps Boyer** The Kremlin’s political warfare against democratic countries has evolved from overt to covert influence activities. But while Russia has pioneered the toolkit of asymmetric measures for the 21st century, including...
Efficiency and Relevance of EU-NATO Operations in the Mediterranean as a Cure for Irregular Immigration
1. Introduction Tragedy of the people searching for safe havens is nowadays drawing more attention than ever and being felt deeply in our hearts, despite the fact that many of us have already closed our ears to the depressive news with the expectation of new...
Fighting a non-Muslim and a Muslim enemy: What changed for Lebanese Hezbollah?
Hezbollah has long championed the armed confrontation against Israel in the Middle East. (ICG Report 2017, 2). Its image in the Arab street made a peak after the July war in 2006, and the group depicted this as its second victory after ending the Israeli...
Post-Daesh Challenges for Europe
Daesh is about to lose the whole territory it holds in Syria and Iraq once as big as the UK. The Salafi jihadist organization, ruling over 6 million population with an army of 30.000 in 2015, had benefited from sectarian and ethnic tensions and imposed its ideology...
Irregular Immigration Flow from Middle East to Europe: Challenges, Sea-based Efforts and EU-Turkey Readmission Agreement
1. INTRODUCTION: Irregular immigration has become one of the toughest challenges in recent years that the world is facing, along with the terrorism. Since the latter has been exploiting the first heavily, these two challenges have become so intertwined that now it is...
A Comparative Study of “Russian Political Warfare against the West and the Western (NATO & EU) Counteractions”
1.Introduction Since eruption of the Ukraine crisis, the world has witnessed a well-developed Russian political warfare strategy and the hybrid model, utilised by Kremlin, which have had destabilising consequences and as well as wide-ranging implications for...
Maritime Disputes in South/East China Sea from Military Aspect
Approximately 3.5 million square km area of the South China Sea has been under dispute as China, Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Taiwan, Brunei and lastly Indonesia. All have claimed sovereignty over this maritime area. China claims sovereignty over 90% of the South...
What Comes After ISIS: A Sociological Analysis of Radicalisation Into Violent Extremism
By Uğur ORAK, Non-resident Fellow at Beyond the Horizon, Ph.D Candidate and Kasim DOGAN, Visiting Fellow at Beyond the Horizon, PhD 1. Introduction If we can determine what drives people to commit such heinous crimes, it is suggested, perhaps we can change their...
How can’t ISIS re-emerge? Weak states and Post-ISIS Challenges
Introduction Considering the retreats of ISIS from Mosul and Rakka, the expectations for the collapse of ISIS is rising but the crucial questions remain that need to be addressed. In this article, we focus on explaining how weak states offer convenient environments...
Integration of EU Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) with NATO
The interaction between EU CSDP and relevant NATO policies integration of NATO and EU on defense policy is the main subject of this article. This is why the aim is to deal with and analyze whether the European integration with NATO should/can be. To do so, the...
Taxonomy of Hybrid Warfare: A Perceptional Analysis
Hybrid warfare has become a term for modern warfare or for the next war. However, hybrid warfare as a term itself is a poor descriptor. Thus, the purpose of this article is to contribute to the understanding the hybrid warfare by developing a perceptional map,...
Russian Inter Continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) Change Analysis (1990-2016)
After the cold war Russia managed to hold on to its ICBMs power with nuclear capabilities despite the economic difficulties and political instability. Even just after cold war during 1990s, it managed to develop SS-27 high tech ICBM without any participation of the...
What is The Problem of Modern Armies with Insurgency and How Can Paramilitary Forces Help Us Defeat Insurgents?
Countering the insurgency problem is increasingly becoming an arduous task for modern armies, and the success rate of those armies in counterinsurgency wars is declining. While states could defeat insurgents during 19th century, they become less capable to eliminate...
Question of Upgrading Security in Kosovo: Transformation of Kosovo Security Force (KSF)
The Balkan Peninsula, being located on the border line between East and West, Islam and Christianity, communism and capitalism (during the Cold War), has proven its strategic importance by playing great roles in both World Wars. Moreover, in many times, Balkans itself...
Economic Inequality as A Cause for Escalation in Populist Votes
Populism and populist policies always find supporters among the people who are dissatisfied with the governments. However, the number of their followers may change according to the policies of governments on several issues, most of which either have an effect on the...
The Forthcoming Kurdish State and Its Potential Consequences
Before the first Gulf War, Kurds were not a well-known ethnic group in the world. Saddam Hussein regime’s harsh repression against Kurds in Iraq, and Turkey’s long-lasting counterterrorism campaign against PKK have drawn considerable attention from the international...
Technology and War Strategy
By Murat ÇALIŞKAN[*]and Michel LIÉGEOIS[†] Technology plays a crucial role in the outcomes of war. The rifle, the railroad and the telegraph in 19th Century Wars, the machine gun, the airplane and the tank in 20th Century Wars, and information technologies in recent...
Resurgence of International Terrorist Organizations in the 21st Century
Terrorism is a never-ending phenomenon with its roots going back to the beginning of humanity on earth and will most likely continue until the end of it. Although the patterns and the spikes vary, it is sufficing to say that there has never been a period without...
Why the EU and NATO Have Failed to Manage the Ukraine Crisis
The world observed a well-developed Russian strategy and military model have had destabilizing consequences and wide-ranging implications for international security, in particular for Europe, and global stability since the Ukraine crisis. Needless to say, most...
A Critique of Hybrid Warfare in the Light of Russia-Ukraine Crisis and Military Strategy
Hybrid warfare has become new orthodoxy in international community which allegedly describe the characteristics of contemporary warfare. Furthermore, ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict is almost unanimously referred as a model for hybrid warfare. However, both...
French Influence in Africa (Post-Colonial Period)
France has been involved with Africa and tried to be there not only for remaining an effective powerin the world but also providing the needs of the mainland.For this purpose, a question has arisen as to where and how to succeed. With the help of the old positive...
Why Terrorism Spreads?
Three major factors caused international terrorism to rise in the second decade of 21st century. First, the power vacuum and instability in Middle East and Sub-Saharan Africa – caused / triggered by the Arab Spring and the corrupt governments/failed states. Second,...
Drivers of the Failure in Management of the Illegal Immigration Crisis in Europe
Over the recent decades, it has been a common belief that the hope of beginning a new life in Europe turns into a real tragedy for many people with African and Asian origins, including Middle Easterners. A major humanitarian crisis caused by deaths (over 10% of...
Dancing with the Bear: Evaluating Possible S-400 Procurement of Turkey from Missile Defence Perspective
Turkey is one of the few countries conducting air defence almost solely with aircraft, despite sizable armed forces with a wide array of capabilities. As odd as it sounds, it has been a disturbing reality for military officials for a long time as the Armed Forces...
Operational Design of Cyber Warfare
Military experts are best known for their ability to plan. Planning is essential in all military activities due to the nature of war. War itself is an ill-structured problem. The better you plan, the less complex the problem gets and becomes well structured. Famous...
French Influence in Africa (Colonial Period)
France is a country that has always been influential in Africa. Unlike other states, the relations of France, which started before colonialism, have continued without interruption in her pré carré (sphere of influence). France attempted to establish relations with all...
“Fixed Structures and Functionalities” vs. “the Philosophy of Modular Design” in Hybrid Warfare Environment
The aim of this study is to propose a model by comparing “fixed force composition and classical HQ structures” with “a New modular design” that could increase and enhance capabilities and capacity of armed forces, in particular flexibility, adaptability, agility, and...