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04 FEB 2025
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31 JAN 2025
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23 JAN 2025
“EU in a Nutshell” Co-Creation Workshop: Media Mentoring for Youth
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09-10 JAN 2025
Annual Neighbourhoods Conference-2024
07 FEB 2024
European Elections, Democracy and Youth
23 MAY 2024
Mentoring Justice Involved Youth
21 DEC 2023
Immune 2 Infodemic (I2I) Final Conference
05 DEC 2024
Conference: 'Mentoring to work for asylum seekers: challenges and opportunities'
05 NOV 2024
IMMUNE 2 INFODEMIC Project Coproduction Workshop
30 MAY 2023
IMMUNE 2 INFODEMIC Project Framework Workshop
28 FEB 2023
Immunise Against Dis-/Misinformation Workshop Series
28 NOV 2023
IMMUNE 2 INFODEMIC Project Coproduction Workshop-2
22 SEP 2023
IMMUNE 2 INFODEMIC Project Coproduction Workshop
30 MAY 2023
IMMUNE 2 INFODEMIC Project Framework Workshop
28 FEB 2023
Annual Neighbourhoods Conference-2023
FEBRUARY 07, 2023
Buddies for Inclusive Cities and Municipalities: Lessons Learned from Local & European Projects
15 DEC 2022
Ukraine High-Level Experts Meeting
MARCH 17, 2022
EDUC8 Project Final Conference
DECEMBER 20, 2021
The Current Challenges of Lebanon and Repercussions for the Region and Europe
JUNE 28, 2021
Emerging High-Tech Cyber & Hybrid Threats: Building Europe at Peace & Harmony
OCTOBER 25, 2021
The Southern Movement, STC and Political Challenges Ahead for Yemen
APRIL 29, 2021
Is Reintegration of ISIS Returnees a Myth or Reality: Lessons to Be Drawn from Balkan Examples
APRIL 22, 2021
Implications of Probable Designation of Houthis as a Terrorist Organisation
JANUARY 12, 2021
Annual Neighbourhoods Conference-2021
FEBRUARY 02, 2021
All-in-one 4 HER Mentor Training & Socialising event
MARCH, 2020
Repercussions of COVID19 to Refugees & the Libyan Crisis WEBINAR
NOVEMBER 17, 2020
Belarus - The Playbook of Russian Interference WEBINAR
DECEMBER 17, 2020
Opening Event of the Brussels CLAIRE Office
MARCH, 2020
Annual Neighbourhoods Conference
FEBRUARY 04, 2020
AI-Centric Transformation in Business
DECEMBER 03, 2019
DECEMBER 13, 2019
Future of the Transatlantic Defence Cooperation Summit
OCTOBERR 22, 2019
OCTOBER 17, 2019
In Light of the Return of Great Power Politics, Countering Hybrid Threats to Europe
DECEMBER 13, 2019
Challenges that Trans-Atlantic Region Faces and how NATO and the EU Could Tackle Them
APRIL 01 2019
Annual Neighbourhoods Conference
JANUARY 31, 2019
Challenges of Radicalization to Violent Extremism for Europe and Beyond
JUNE 18, 2018
New Horizon Symposium-Emerging Trends Reshaping the International Security
OCTOBER 22 2018
Counter Narratives for Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (P/CVE)
DECEMBER 04, 2018
Event Posts
Changes of the Border Notion from a Historical Perspective and China’s Approach to European Neighbourhood Policy
First, I will focus on the changes in meaning of borders for China and its political stance throughout the history. Then I will mention China’s approach to the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). Neighborhood Policy in a way relates to a geopolitical border concept....
The Impact of PESCO for the European Defence Industry
Thank you very much for having me via video-link. Congratulations to the friends at Beyond the Horizon for mounting this impressive conference. I apologise for not being able to join you in person and would like to thank the organisers for allowing me to beam in from...
The Impact of High-Tech Actors in Transatlantic Defence Cooperation
I will reflect on the role of the private sector in future transatlantic defence cooperation. It is often stated that emerging technologies are especially pioneered by the private sector. The private sector makes up an increasing share in global R&D spending and...
Third State Participation in PESCO
We had a lot of development on defense over the last two years. In 2016, the security environment changed, the strategic context was changed and of course the political context with Brexit was changed. It was like the perfect storm and it came together around the...
The Impact of PESCO for the Transatlantic Defence Industry
Thank you very much. I have to say that I will not provide an institutional point of view from the European Parliament but a research point of view. When I was asked to speak about the implications of PESCO for the transatlantic defence industry, my first reaction was...
New Horizons Summit from the Audience
The conference on Transatlantic defence cooperation, organised by Beyond the Horizon, on October 22nd, was a useful and welcome preparatory event before the new Commission will present shortly its programme. This programme is eagerly waited for, as Europe finds itself...
Key Note Speech “Disruptive Technologies and the Transatlantic Alliance”
All predictions are based on trend analysis: What countries or companies are researching, or working on at the time. But we should always remember for the future is not the end of the trend line. Why? Well, to begin with, we made the mistake of writing histories of...
New Horizons Summit 2019 Opening Remarks
Ladies and gentlemen, Excellencies, let me first thank the organizer, Beyond the Horizon, for inviting me today. It is indeed a real honour and a great pleasure for me as a representative of Belgian Foreign Affairs to address you today at this summit. Indeed, as you...
State-of-the-Art in High-Tech and Way Forward
Thank you for inviting. I'm here on behalf of AmCham EU and I think this is really a wonderful forum with a lot of diversity of thought and analysts. It's been a very robust conversation and I'm happy to support industry's perspective. I don’t want to repeat what has...
Third State Participation in EDF
Presently, the European Defence Fund is not yet a reality but there are two pilot programmes that are already up and running. First, I would like to take a step back and qualify the impression that, I think, is emanating from previous information: to some extent the...
What to Expect from the Collaboration? Practical Industrial Cooperative Solutions
First, thanks to the organizers for this excellent event and inviting the American Chamber of Commerce to the European Union (AmCham EU). So, today, at this event, I am representing AmCham EU. I am also Acting Chairman of the NATO Industrial Advisory Group (NIAG). I...
Third Offset Strategy vs EDF
Let me start by noting that after 25 years as a U.S. Diplomat and 12 years teaching at Cranfield University, mostly at the UK Defence Academy, I know you are only going to take away one thing that I say in the course of this entire presentation. I always start out...
New Horizons Summit 2019 Proceedings – Welcome Remarks
Dear ambassadors, generals, distinguished guests! On behalf of the New Horizons Community, it is my great pleasure to welcome you to New Horizons Summit 2019, Future of the Transatlantic Defence Cooperation organized by Beyond the Horizon ISSG, one of the major think...
How European Strategic Autonomy would contribute to the Transatlantic Defence Cooperation?
It would be fair to split the context in three points: Transatlantic relations and historical periodicity Official NATO declarations often imply that there is something eternal and automatic, and of course something inherently benign, about the Euro-American Alliance....
The Importance of the Transatlantic Link
Introduction The increasing rate of disintegration of liberal world order and emerging security challenges gaining vigour due to this deficiency has resulted in self-questioning on either side of the Atlantic. Politically, the debate about famous three Ds...
Disruptive Technologies: Either a Threat or an Opportunity but Definitely an Obligation
Disruptive technologies are constantly changing the way we fight. The fast pace of technological change is making it hard for the militaries to keep up. In his seminal article “The New Revolution in Military Affairs,” Christian Brose predicts that emerging...
As an Annual Landmark Event, New Horizons Summit-2019
State of Play Rules based international order, set up in the wake of Second World War, is challenged by state and non-state actors in many aspects. Transatlantic bond, which is one of the main pillars of this order, is not immune from these challenges. The return of...
The Rise of Illiberalism by Dr. Heather Grabbe*
The question is, if is there in fact a collapse or is there something more of a lapse, because that seems to be the assumption often in Brussels in terms of EU policy making but what we are living through our extraordinary times at some point that we will return to...
Power Vacuums and the Return of Great Power Competition by Christopher Coker*
We can probably take as a point of departure that the world is disordered. And, the question is that is the disorder in the 1930s capable of addressing the disorders of the present day? The answer is probably no. If we go back to the 1930s, it is very easy to say that...
Discussion on the Collapse of the Liberal World Order by Tanguy Struye de Swielande*
The Western liberal order is in relative decline because of the economic crisis of 2008, the war against terrorism, the appearance of new threats (cyber, food security, climate, demography, proxy wars...) and new emerging states. There is clearly a leadership fatigue,...
Emerging Trends Reshaping the International Security-Keynote Address by Jamie P. Shea
A couple of decades ago, one of the favourite phrases of former UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher was “it’s a funny world”. It is true that we live in a very funny world today. Couple of years ago, British academic, Tim Gartner Ashton said “If we could whip in a...
Conference on European Neighbourhood Policy-2019
Organised by the Institute of European Studies at Saint Louis University with the collaboration of Beyond the Horizon ISSG GALLERY Details and Schedule ORGANISERS COLLABORATORS ...
Looking Forward to Seeing You in New Horizons Symposium 2018
Beyond the Horizon International Strategic Studies Group (ISSG) and Wilfred Martens Centre brings to you the symposium of the year. New Horizons Symposium 2018 is going to be held on the 22nd of October, in Brussels, Belgium. The topics of discussion for this...
Welcome to New Horizons Symposium 2018
New Horizons Symposiums, as an annual landmark event, aspires to be a unique platform for political, academic, business leaders and organizations across the globe to discuss and provide solutions for the most pressing issues of our time. A hugely important showcase, a...
Challenges of Radicalization to Violent Extremism for Europe and Beyond
A Beyond the Horizon Conference 18 June 2018 Brussels Press Club, Belgium "Breaking the ISIS Brand Counter Narrative Project – Addressing the Challenges of Radicalization to Violent Extremism for Europe and Beyond" by Anne Speckhard, Ph.D.* EVENT REPLAY GALLERY...
Brussels Summit 2018 “A Future for Europe”
Beyond the Horizon ISSG is one of the participants alongside the Brussels Summit 2018 in Think Tank Central. That dedicated exhibition space will serve as a platform for the exchange of ideas, a forum for discussion between participants, supporters and friends,...
Conference on European Neighbourhood Policy-2018
Organised by the Institute of European Studies at Saint Louis University with the collaboration of Beyond the Horizon ISSG Date and Time: 30 January 2018 For details of the program and keynote speakers’ information please click HERE... GALLERY [gallery size="large"...