Recent event

European Elections, Democracy and Youth

Join us as we embark on a transformative journey to empower and mobilize the voices of the youth across Belgium and Europe. Together, let’s ignite the flame of democracy and shape the future of our continent.

In a landmark decision, Belgium opened the doors of democracy wider than ever before by making it possible for citizens aged 16 and above to participate in the European Elections (EE24).  

Engaging youth through the electoral process can knock down the gap in descriptive representations and promote issues of particular interest and concern. Furthermore, as the previous legislation allowed only those above 18 to vote and the most recent election was held in 2019, a great majority of students in university and secondary school third cycle will vote for the first time. 

Against this backdrop and in line with Ignite Votes of Youth (IVY) Project, Beyond the Horizon organises a hybrid event on 23 May 2024 at the premises of UCLouvain, site of Saint-Louis Bruxelles, that will also allow online participants to join discussions, including through The event with special focus on youth will feature distinguished speakers elaborating on: 

  • The role and democratic values of the EU, 
  • The role EP plays in sustaining EU, especially as regards oversight and accountability, democratic representation and promotion of European identity. 
  • The importance of voting in EE24 and how this voting will impact citizens’ everyday life, 
  • Importance of the platform and how to register and use this tool to maintain an ongoing dialogue between the EP and themselves as EU citizens, to foster European identity and democratic engagement, and to receive information. 
Co-founded by the EU
European Parliament_logo


23 MAY 2024


UCLouvain, site of Saint-Louis Bruxelles
Rue de l’Ommegang 8, 1000 Bruxelles – Room: OM21

MS TEAMS Beyond the Horizon ISSG

&MS Teams

Registration and Coffee 


10:45 - 11:00

Welcome speech

Fatih Yilmaz, Beyond the Horizon


11:00 - 11:05


Antoine Bailleux, President of the IEE and Professor 


11:05 - 11:10

A Youth Perspective on EP Elections 

Luca Maicon Vinicius Bellavia, Master Student in Interdisciplinary European Studies (IEE/ULB) 


11:10 - 11:20

European Values, the Importance of Elections and Voting 

René Leray, Associated Researcher, Former Professor at UCL & Saint-Louis University 

Lino Francescon, Researcher UCLouvain (Saint-Louis Bruxelles) 


11:20 - 11:35

The Role of the EP in Democracy 

Ivan Botourachov, Advisor at European Parliament 


11:35 - 11:45 Platform

Onur Sultan (Moderator), Beyond the Horizon 


11:45 - 11:50



11:50 - 12:00

Walking Lunch 


12:00 - 13:00
