The Rise of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
“We have won a war with a lot of heroes flying around in planes. The next war may be fought with airplanes with no man in them at all,”said General Henry Arnold, the only Air Force General to hold a 5-star rank in two different US military services, (1945).[1] The...
What is ISIS? Its Identity and Goals in a Nutshell
The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) or the self-declared “caliphate of the Islamic State” has become the most dangerous threat to global security since al-Qaeda. It is more than just a threat to America and the West, because it poses a more existential threat...
A Critique of Hybrid Warfare in the Light of Russia-Ukraine Crisis and Military Strategy
Hybrid warfare has become new orthodoxy in international community which allegedly describe the characteristics of contemporary warfare. Furthermore, ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict is almost unanimously referred as a model for hybrid warfare. However, both...
French Influence in Africa (Post-Colonial Period)
France has been involved with Africa and tried to be there not only for remaining an effective powerin the world but also providing the needs of the mainland.For this purpose, a question has arisen as to where and how to succeed. With the help of the old positive...
Why Terrorism Spreads?
Three major factors caused international terrorism to rise in the second decade of 21st century. First, the power vacuum and instability in Middle East and Sub-Saharan Africa – caused / triggered by the Arab Spring and the corrupt governments/failed states. Second,...
A Critique on How Terrorism Ends: Understanding the Decline and Demise of Terrorist Campaigns
The aim of this paper is to critically analyze the 2011 book ‘How Terrorism Ends: Understanding the Decline and Demise of Terrorist Campaigns’ by Audrey Kurth Cronin. The Author is a professor at the School of International Service at American University in...
Drivers of the Failure in Management of the Illegal Immigration Crisis in Europe
Over the recent decades, it has been a common belief that the hope of beginning a new life in Europe turns into a real tragedy for many people with African and Asian origins, including Middle Easterners. A major humanitarian crisis caused by deaths (over 10% of...
Dancing with the Bear: Evaluating Possible S-400 Procurement of Turkey from Missile Defence Perspective
Turkey is one of the few countries conducting air defence almost solely with aircraft, despite sizable armed forces with a wide array of capabilities. As odd as it sounds, it has been a disturbing reality for military officials for a long time as the Armed Forces...
Operational Design of Cyber Warfare
Military experts are best known for their ability to plan. Planning is essential in all military activities due to the nature of war. War itself is an ill-structured problem. The better you plan, the less complex the problem gets and becomes well structured. Famous...
How Deterrent is NATO’S Cyber Posture?
In Ukraine, on December 2015, an energy facility was hit by Russian-affiliated cyber group, and 225.000 people between 1-6 hours were affected from this outage. (1) Outage assuming as first well documented successful cyber-attack on a power grid. This recent incident...
Was the US Election Hacked?
As usual, the world watched the United States elections on November 8. Donald Trump won the election and started as the 45th US president, contrary to expectations and surveys. The results of the elections surprised the international community. Meanwhile,...
How Can Turkey and Armenia be Good Neighbours?
Even though Turkey and Armenia have severe hostilities, the peaceful relations between ordinary Turks and Armenians have a very long history going back to even before Ottoman Empire. Until the late 19th century, these two ethnic groups lived at peace, and moreover,...
French Influence in Africa (Colonial Period)
France is a country that has always been influential in Africa. Unlike other states, the relations of France, which started before colonialism, have continued without interruption in her pré carré (sphere of influence). France attempted to establish relations with all...
What Will Be tactical / Equipment Changes and Requirements for Soldiers in the Future Urban Warfare?
“Master Euphrates tells bold and nice Sincere weeping in his eyes.” The counterterrorism struggle, which had been carried out in the mountains or the forests until recently, has now transformed into urban warfare. Some of the prominent reasons which caused this to...
Book Review: The United States of Europe
The New Superpower and the End of American Supremacy* As European Union is currently having a hard time with several internal problems, such as BREXIT and the rise of national populist parties against the union, it is worth reviewing the famous book “The United States...
Turkey, EU, and the Refugee Crisis
As an indirect consequence of the Syrian conflict and the broader security environment in the Middle East, Europe has faced a serious refugee and migrant crisis in the last couple of years.1 This required intensive traffic between Western policy-makers and the Turkish...
Misconception About Terrorism
Our understanding of terrorism is mostly shaped by politicians, who sometimes arbitrarily use this term to stigmatise even people who are opposing their policies. Terrorism or terrorist violence, however, is just a violent tactic that is used by insurgent groups, and...
Rising Nationalism and the Role of the Leadership
The Great Depression of the 1930s had caused traumatic and devastating economic effects on citizens. The events of today’s international world, especially tendencies of states after the 2008 Economic Crisis, are only confirming the saying that “The history repeats...
“Fixed Structures and Functionalities” vs. “the Philosophy of Modular Design” in Hybrid Warfare Environment
The aim of this study is to propose a model by comparing “fixed force composition and classical HQ structures” with “a New modular design” that could increase and enhance capabilities and capacity of armed forces, in particular flexibility, adaptability, agility, and...
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