The Age of AI in U.S.-China Great Power Competition: Strategic Implications, Risks, and Global Governance
Introduction Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Quantum Computing (QC) are at the center of the escalating strategic competition between the United States and China. These technologies are reshaping military capabilities, economic dominance, and...
Generative AI – Astonishing but no reason to be afraid
1. Introduction Generative AI (GenAI) is a form of artificial intelligence that can create novel content such as audio, data, codes, or images. It will drastically change how we approach digital content in the future, and a range of jobs are executed.[1] GenAI gained...
An assessment of the European microchip industry and its expansion strategy
Abstract The microchip industry will probably grow from $575 billion in 2022 into a trillion-dollar industry by 2030. The main obstacles are limited production capacity and unstable production chains. Europe’s strengths in the microchip industry are the presence of...
What is Tech Diplomacy? A Very Short Definition
Too many concepts, too much confusion Anyone trying to make sense of technology and international relations today will stumble into a plethora of closely related terms, such as e-diplomacy, cyber diplomacy, digital technology, tech diplomacy, and so forth. All these...
Quelle est la probabilité qu’une IA précise à 99% reconnaisse un individu? Spoiler: ce n’est pas 9 chances sur 10
Les discussions sur l’emploi de la reconnaissance faciale[1] dans les espaces publics par les forces de l’ordre paraissent toujours particulièrement sensibles et ont fortement animé la préparation du projet de règlement sur l’intelligence artificielle (IA) de la...
A Novel Approach to the Network Analysis: Multi-Space Analysis Model
Abstract The overall objective of this paper is to provide insight for the Multi-Space Analysis Model (Network Analysis) used in the Smart Navigator System at Hybrid Core; and visualise a state-of-the-art for the model structure for further studies. The model design...
Too many norms kill norms: The EU normative hemorrhage
Emmanuel R. Goffi, PhD and Aco Momcilovic, EMBA AI may benefit or represent a threat to humanity in many ways in numerous fields such as education, environment, health, defense, transportation, space exploration and so on. To avoid potential drifts of AI and...
Killed by algorithms: Do autonomous weapons reduce risks?
The long-term impact of artificial intelligence (AI) will be unprecedented in the field of international security. There is already an ongoing fierce competition for global technological supremacy. Defense projects by the military powers seek to secure strategic...
Tué par des algorithmes: Les armes autonomes présentent moins de risques?
L'impact de l'intelligence artificielle (IA) sera à la longue sans précédent dans le domaine de la sécurité internationale. Il y a déjà une forte concurrence pour la suprématie technologique mondiale. Les projets de défense des puissances militaires cherchent à...
Drone swarms: coming (sometime) to a war near you. Just not today
The world got a sneak peek at the future of war last fall when two former Soviet republics in the Caucasus Mountains launched a high-tech barrage of loitering munitions as well as Turkish-, Israeli-, and locally-made drones at each other during a six-week fight over a...
De l’importance des particularismes culturels en éthique de l’IA*
Si l’on n’y prend garde, l’intelligence artificielle (IA) pourrait bien devenir le cheval de Troie d’une pensée unique qui s’imposerait au motif de l’universalité d’un modèle éthique. La quête de ce Graal que représente désormais un Code universel d’éthique de l’IA a...
The importance of cultural diversity in AI ethics*
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is progressing. And if we are not careful, it may well become a trojan horse for one single premise: the imposition of a universal approach to ethical decision making. The quest for this Holy Grail of a universal Code of ethics in AI has...
Disruptive technology applications for Integrated Air and Missile Defense
Introduction The world has witnessed enormous and continuous technological developments in recent years, some of which have changed our lives dramatically. What is striking about recent technological surge though, unlike the situation after World War I and II, the...
Who will Govern the Cyberspace?
A Debate on Multi-stakeholderism vs. Multilateralism Abstract Today, cyberspace is governed in an environment where decisions are taken by multiple actors, including governments, businesses, civil society, and individuals or briefly "stakeholders." This bottom-up...
The Corona Cyber Guide for the Companies
My two cents will not tell you about the human trials for the Corona virus vaccine or the timeline for the global immunization, and how many times you have to wash your hands daily. My guidance does not include foot-shaking or the type of the hand-gel you are...
Russian NexGen Missiles a Superiority over Hypersonic Missiles
Abstract This article provides an overview of hypersonic missile technology and where Russia stands in this regard in order to build a reference point to see a global picture. After a description of six "next generation" missiles of Russia, the reader is introduced...
SKYFALL-Artificial Intelligence in Modern Warfare
Background The Russian Defense Ministry stated that at least two service members were killed and four injured on 08 August 2019 following the blast at a testing ground on the northern coastline of Russia. On 12 August, the...
A Network-based Approach for Understanding Suicide Attack Behavior*
Terrorists are increasingly using suicide attacks to attack different targets. The government finds it challenging to track these attacks since the terrorists have learned from experience to avoid unsecured communications such as social media. Therefore, we propose a...
An Agent Based Approach for Understanding Complex Terrorism Behaviors
Understanding the behavior of a terrorist group is a complex phenomenon because of the uncertainty in strategies and tactics used by terrorists. Current literature suggests that terrorism has an evolutionary nature and terrorist groups change behavior according to a...
New framework that uses patterns and relations to understand terrorist behaviours
Terrorism is a complex phenomenon with high uncertainties in user strategy. The uncertain nature of terrorism is a main challenge in the design of counter-terrorism policy. Government agencies (e.g., CIA, FBI, NSA, etc.) cannot always use social media and...
Technology on the frontier of race for Global Domination: Cyberspace, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics
I have studied computer science and developed in the area of artificial intelligence and since then pursuing my research with an emphasis on creating support technology and specifically the support of decision making. To a large extend, my aim is to form a debate in...
The Impact of High-Tech Actors in Transatlantic Defence Cooperation
I will reflect on the role of the private sector in future transatlantic defence cooperation. It is often stated that emerging technologies are especially pioneered by the private sector. The private sector makes up an increasing share in global R&D spending and...
Key Note Speech “Disruptive Technologies and the Transatlantic Alliance”
All predictions are based on trend analysis: What countries or companies are researching, or working on at the time. But we should always remember for the future is not the end of the trend line. Why? Well, to begin with, we made the mistake of writing histories of...
State-of-the-Art in High-Tech and Way Forward
Thank you for inviting. I'm here on behalf of AmCham EU and I think this is really a wonderful forum with a lot of diversity of thought and analysts. It's been a very robust conversation and I'm happy to support industry's perspective. I don’t want to repeat what has...
Disruptive Technologies: Either a Threat or an Opportunity but Definitely an Obligation
Disruptive technologies are constantly changing the way we fight. The fast pace of technological change is making it hard for the militaries to keep up. In his seminal article “The New Revolution in Military Affairs,” Christian Brose predicts that emerging...
An Outlier-Based Intention Detection for Discovering Terrorist Strategies
Terrorist groups (attackers) always strive to outmanoeuvre counter-terrorism agencies with different tactics and strategies for making successful attacks. Therefore, understanding unexpected attacks (outliers) is becoming more and more important. Studying such attacks...
Anti-Ship Missile Defense with Artificial Intelligence
Guided missiles are still one of the most strategic, destructive and powerful weapons for the above water warfare. For decades, scientists and engineers try to develop most skilful missile in order to catch the target from the weakest point. When one produced a...
How will Artificial Intelligence Change the Character of War?
In recent years, humanity has been being faced with a technological development that may result in radical changes in post-industrial revolution economic, social, cultural, political and military fields. Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be able to shape...
Technology and War Strategy
By Murat ÇALIŞKAN[*]and Michel LIÉGEOIS[†] Technology plays a crucial role in the outcomes of war. The rifle, the railroad and the telegraph in 19th Century Wars, the machine gun, the airplane and the tank in 20th Century Wars, and information technologies in recent...
Operational Design of Cyber Warfare
Military experts are best known for their ability to plan. Planning is essential in all military activities due to the nature of war. War itself is an ill-structured problem. The better you plan, the less complex the problem gets and becomes well structured. Famous...
How Deterrent is NATO’S Cyber Posture?
In Ukraine, on December 2015, an energy facility was hit by Russian-affiliated cyber group, and 225.000 people between 1-6 hours were affected from this outage. (1) Outage assuming as first well documented successful cyber-attack on a power grid. This recent incident...
Was the US Election Hacked?
As usual, the world watched the United States elections on November 8. Donald Trump won the election and started as the 45th US president, contrary to expectations and surveys. The results of the elections surprised the international community. Meanwhile,...