New Horizons Summit-2019
Future of the Transatlantic Defence CooperationA collaboration among the decision makers, industry and the academia is of crucial importance to form a Comprehensive Transatlantic Defense Cooperation. New Horizons Summit, as an annual landmark event, aspires to be a unique platform for political, academic and defence industry leaders across Euro-Atlantic region to discuss and provide solutions for the most pressing issues of our time and future.
Rules based international order, set up in the wake of Second World War, is challenged by state and non-state actors in many aspects. Transatlantic bond, which is one of the main pillars of this order, is not immune from these challenges. Beyond the Horizon International Strategic Studies Group (ISSG), believes that a robust transatlantic cooperation is vital in the face of emerging security challenges to international world order. We do not favour transactional relations which would lead to a zero-sum game, but a mutually beneficial two-way road that would foster both sides of the Atlantic. As a matter of fact, more dialogue and interaction are needed to that end. Thus, the aim of the event is to provide a platform in order to facilitate transatlantic dialogue. Beyond the Horizon visits the topic in a regular basis. Last year, at New Horizons Symposium 2018, the focus was on « Emerging Trends Reshaping the International Security » where academics, officials as well as representatives from the NGOs discussed the collapse of liberal world order and expansion of future conflict domains. New Horizons Summit 2019, accordingly, will cover the future of transatlantic defence cooperation with a special focus on emerging mega trends, security challenges and disruptive technologies with a banner headline « Future of Transatlantic Defence Cooperation Summit ».
The subject is very timely and relevant while defence industries from both sides of the Atlantic strive for ways to cooperate. The US defence industry, for instance, keeps abreast of PESCO and EDF as well as third state participation therein, whereas, the implementation of Third Offset Strategy and “Buy American Act” are two areas of concern for EU defence industry. Thus, this summit would be a perfect opportunity for a more constructive dialogue. With these two consecutive annual landmark events, Beyond the Horizon aspires to provide unique annual platforms for politicians, academics and defence industry representatives as well as the civil society across the Euro-Atlantic region to discuss and provide solutions for the most pressing issues of our time and future.
Tuesday Oct, 22
Registration, Coffee & Networking
09:00 – 09:45
Welcome Remarks
Hasan SUZEN, President & CEO at Beyond the Horizon ISSG
Opening Remarks
Vincent Sassel, Security Policy – Defence expert, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Belgium
Enhanced Transatlantic Cooperation in the Light of PESCO & EDF
Pauline Massart, Moderator, Deputy Head of the Brussels Office, CEIS
The Impact of PESCO for the European & the Transatlantic Defence Industry
Elena Lazarou, Dr., Senior Policy Analyst, European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS)
Steven Blockmans, Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS)
Transatlantic Defence Cooperation, the case of Raytheon and Rheinmetall
3rd state participation in PESCO and EDF
Arnout Molenaar, Head of Security Policy Unit (SECDEFPOL.1), EEAS
Diego de Ojeda, Representative to the PSC and European Commission Head of Unit for Coordination of Foreign, Security and Defence Policy Implementation
Q & A
Coffee Break
Transatlantic Perspective on Defence Cooperation
Teri Schultz, Moderator
How European Strategic Autonomy would Contribute to the Transatlantic Defence Cooperation?
Jolyon Howorth, Prof, Harvard University
What to Expect from the Collaboration? Practical Industrial Cooperative Solutions
Rudy Priem, Chair, Security & Defence Committee, AmCham EU; Director, Security – Defense – Space Government Relations, EMEA & NATO, United Technologies Corporation
Third Offset Strategy vs. EDF
Pete Ito, Dr. Former US Official, Cranfield University
Q & A
Lunch and Networking
Keynote Speech
Christopher Coker, Prof, London School of Economics
Emerging Disruptive Technologies as a Potential Threat to Transatlantic Stability and Security
Teri Schultz, Moderator
The Impact of High-Tech Actors in Transatlantic Defence Cooperation
Maaike VERBRUGGEN, PhD Researcher, Institute for European Studies, Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
Bart M.J. Szewczyk, PhD, Adviser on Global Affairs, European Political Strategy Centre; Adjunct Professor, Sciences Po Paris.
State-of-the-Art in High-Tech and Way Forward
Ms. Kim Stollar, Member of AmCham EU and Managing Director EU & NATO, Boeing
Q & A
Alphabetically ordered

Steven Blockmans, Prof.
Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS)

Christopher Coker, Prof.
London School of Economics

Jolyon Howorth, Prof.
Harvard University

Pete Ito, Dr.
Former US Official, Cranfield University

Elena Lazarou, Dr.
Senior Policy Analyst, European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS)

Arnout Molenaar
Head of Security Policy Unit (SECDEFPOL.1), EEAS

Pauline Massart
Deputy Head of the Brussels Office, CEIS

Diego de Ojeda
Representative to the PSC and European Commission Head of Unit for Coordination of Foreign, Security and Defence Policy Implementation

Rudy Priem
Chair, Security & Defence CMMTE, AmCham EU and Director Security – Defense – Space Govt. Rel., EMEA & NATO, United Tech.

Vincent Sassel
Security Policy – Defence expert, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Belgium

Teri Schultz
Freelance Reporter

Kim Stollar
Managing Director, EU & NATO Government Affairs Boeing International

Bart M.J. Szewczyk, PhD
Adviser on Global Affairs, European Political Strategy Centre; Adjunct Professor, Sciences Po Paris

PhD Researcher, Institute for European Studies, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Changes of the Border Notion from a Historical Perspective and China’s Approach to European Neighbourhood Policy
First, I will focus on the changes in meaning of borders for China and its political stance throughout the history. Then I will mention China’s approach to the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). Neighborhood Policy in a way relates to a geopolitical border concept....
The Impact of PESCO for the European Defence Industry
Thank you very much for having me via video-link. Congratulations to the friends at Beyond the Horizon for mounting this impressive conference. I apologise for not being able to join you in person and would like to thank the organisers for allowing me to beam in from...
The Impact of High-Tech Actors in Transatlantic Defence Cooperation
I will reflect on the role of the private sector in future transatlantic defence cooperation. It is often stated that emerging technologies are especially pioneered by the private sector. The private sector makes up an increasing share in global R&D spending and...
Third State Participation in PESCO
We had a lot of development on defense over the last two years. In 2016, the security environment changed, the strategic context was changed and of course the political context with Brexit was changed. It was like the perfect storm and it came together around the...
The Impact of PESCO for the Transatlantic Defence Industry
Thank you very much. I have to say that I will not provide an institutional point of view from the European Parliament but a research point of view. When I was asked to speak about the implications of PESCO for the transatlantic defence industry, my first reaction was...
New Horizons Summit from the Audience
The conference on Transatlantic defence cooperation, organised by Beyond the Horizon, on October 22nd, was a useful and welcome preparatory event before the new Commission will present shortly its programme. This programme is eagerly waited for, as Europe finds itself...
Key Note Speech “Disruptive Technologies and the Transatlantic Alliance”
All predictions are based on trend analysis: What countries or companies are researching, or working on at the time. But we should always remember for the future is not the end of the trend line. Why? Well, to begin with, we made the mistake of writing histories of...
New Horizons Summit 2019 Opening Remarks
Ladies and gentlemen, Excellencies, let me first thank the organizer, Beyond the Horizon, for inviting me today. It is indeed a real honour and a great pleasure for me as a representative of Belgian Foreign Affairs to address you today at this summit. Indeed, as you...
State-of-the-Art in High-Tech and Way Forward
Thank you for inviting. I'm here on behalf of AmCham EU and I think this is really a wonderful forum with a lot of diversity of thought and analysts. It's been a very robust conversation and I'm happy to support industry's perspective. I don’t want to repeat what has...
Third State Participation in EDF
Presently, the European Defence Fund is not yet a reality but there are two pilot programmes that are already up and running. First, I would like to take a step back and qualify the impression that, I think, is emanating from previous information: to some extent the...
What to Expect from the Collaboration? Practical Industrial Cooperative Solutions
First, thanks to the organizers for this excellent event and inviting the American Chamber of Commerce to the European Union (AmCham EU). So, today, at this event, I am representing AmCham EU. I am also Acting Chairman of the NATO Industrial Advisory Group (NIAG). I...
Third Offset Strategy vs EDF
Let me start by noting that after 25 years as a U.S. Diplomat and 12 years teaching at Cranfield University, mostly at the UK Defence Academy, I know you are only going to take away one thing that I say in the course of this entire presentation. I always start out...
New Horizons Summit 2019 Proceedings – Welcome Remarks
Dear ambassadors, generals, distinguished guests! On behalf of the New Horizons Community, it is my great pleasure to welcome you to New Horizons Summit 2019, Future of the Transatlantic Defence Cooperation organized by Beyond the Horizon ISSG, one of the major think...
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