by Dr.Cihan Aydiner* | Feb 28, 2021 | Research, Social Inclusion & Integration
Abstract This article is an examination of the immigration policy formation issues in the literature. The immigration policies continue to fail today. This research provides a bird view on immigration policy issues by presenting the problematic assumptions and reasons...
by Ilse Van den Berckt* | Apr 22, 2020 | Book Review, Geopolitics & Great Power Politics, Social Inclusion & Integration
Bart Brandsma’s book at hand is a timely and precious contribution considering the time we live in. The book opens up the debate on how to manage divergent voices and preserve public order while respecting the democratic right of free speech and free articulation of...
by Erdem Taskin* | Sep 8, 2019 | Geopolitics & Great Power Politics, Research, Social Inclusion & Integration
Abstract This study analyses the projects related to the integration of migrants and refugees in Flanders. The author conducts a systematic review of related projects appearing in the ESF and AMIF[*] Project database between 2013 and 2019. The results of the...
by BEYOND THE HORIZON | Aug 20, 2019 | Geopolitics & Great Power Politics, Research, Social Inclusion & Integration
The asylum seekers who arrived in our country during the 2015 refugee crisis are currently fully engaged in our job market. Despite the initial optimism about the economic employability of this group of newcomers, their actual labour market participation remains...
by Dr.Cihan Aydiner* | Jan 9, 2019 | Geopolitics & Great Power Politics, Research, Social Inclusion & Integration
Abstract This research analyzed the literature on integration, assimilation, and other concepts[1] related to displaced persons[2] and refugees as experienced in their host countries. The author conducted a computer-assisted content analysis of related articles...
by Michael Stone | May 4, 2017 | Commentary, Geopolitics & Great Power Politics, Social Inclusion & Integration
As an indirect consequence of the Syrian conflict and the broader security environment in the Middle East, Europe has faced a serious refugee and migrant crisis in the last couple of years.1 This required intensive traffic between Western policy-makers and the Turkish...