by Muneer Binwaber* | Nov 13, 2019 | Commentary, War and Conflict
Although the main objective of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) is to re-establish a Southern Arab State, Yemeni President Abdu Rabbuh Mansour Hadi tweeted shortly before the agreement, conveying the message that they have worked diligently to give the Southern...
by Dr. Pete Ito* | Nov 13, 2019 | Commentary, Events & Activities, Geopolitics & Great Power Politics, Proceedings
Let me start by noting that after 25 years as a U.S. Diplomat and 12 years teaching at Cranfield University, mostly at the UK Defence Academy, I know you are only going to take away one thing that I say in the course of this entire presentation. I always start out...
by Hasan Suzen* | Nov 6, 2019 | Commentary, Events & Activities, Proceedings
Dear ambassadors, generals, distinguished guests! On behalf of the New Horizons Community, it is my great pleasure to welcome you to New Horizons Summit 2019, Future of the Transatlantic Defence Cooperation organized by Beyond the Horizon ISSG, one of the major think...
by Prof. Jolyon Howorth* | Nov 6, 2019 | Commentary, Events & Activities, Geopolitics & Great Power Politics, Proceedings
It would be fair to split the context in three points: Transatlantic relations and historical periodicity Official NATO declarations often imply that there is something eternal and automatic, and of course something inherently benign, about the Euro-American Alliance....
by Dr. Aziz Erdogan* | Nov 2, 2019 | Commentary, Defence & Security, Political & Hybrid Warfare
Introduction As other countries are also working on next-generation missiles, China is pursuing a long-term strategy in order to build strategic technologies and bridging the capacity gap with the West, following Russia’s approach. Currently, the most powerful...
by Erman Atak* | Oct 29, 2019 | Commentary, Peace & Conflict Management, Terrorism, Conflict and War
The Report of the Amnesty International (AI) published this week is the first public investigation of the war crimes committed since the Haftar’s offensive upon Tripoli on 4 April. There were some United Nations investigations conducted by experts on some particular...