by Muneer Binwaber* | Apr 17, 2020 | Commentary
Though easy to treat in existence of adequate health care system and medications, the cholera has been raging Yemen. The cumulative number of suspected cholera cases reported from October 2016 to January 2020 is more than 2 million, including 3910 related deaths. To...
by Yusuf Yavuz Ayar* | Apr 10, 2020 | Commentary, Cyber Security, Disruptive Technologies
My two cents will not tell you about the human trials for the Corona virus vaccine or the timeline for the global immunization, and how many times you have to wash your hands daily. My guidance does not include foot-shaking or the type of the hand-gel you are...
by Felix Tori* | Apr 9, 2020 | Commentary, Energy Security, Geopolitics & Great Power Politics
Corona virus has started affecting a large extent aspect of our lives, particularly in social and economic fields, of which this unprecedentedly fast-spreading novel virus seems to surge dramatically and worsen the situation for unpredictable amount of time. Yet,...
by Alexy Zender* | Apr 4, 2020 | Commentary, Geopolitics & Great Power Politics
The whole world is trying to find out how to fight against the new coronavirus. The level of anxiety increases as the virus’ spreading speed increases. As Merkel, Chancellor of Germany, stated humanity is facing the biggest disaster since World War II. Curfews...
by COVID-19 Crisis Watch Task Force | Mar 24, 2020 | Commentary, Environment & Climate Change
The world woke up to the outbreak of COVID-19 or coronavirus as often called by the general public in December 2019. The initial perception that it would be contained within borders of China where it was first spotted fell apart as the virus further spread to Europe...
by Tuba Yalinkilic* | Mar 20, 2020 | Commentary, Environment & Climate Change
Coronavirus disease spreads all over the world. China, as the birthplace of the disease, has been taken dozens of precautions from December 2019 on. Outside Asia, Italy has been the most severely impacted place by coronavirus. There are 35,713 confirmed cases as of...