by BEYOND THE HORIZON | Dec 17, 2021 | Research, Social Inclusion & Integration
INTRODUCTIE Gewelddadige radicalisering (jihad, extreemrechts, antisemitisme, enzovoort) en polarisering zijn twee grote maatschappelijke uitdagingen die het sociale weefsel van Europa verscheuren. Radicalen zetten aan tot baldadige actie door de status quo te kaderen...
by BEYOND THE HORIZON | Dec 16, 2021 | Commentary, Social Inclusion & Integration
Nasrin Jahan Jinia, Fatih Yilmaz, Janna Peltola, Essi Hillgren & Roza Pambukhchyan The contribution of migration to sustainable development has already been recognized which is a cross-cutting issue in the UN 2030 Agenda, relevant to all the Sustainable...
by BEYOND THE HORIZON | Dec 14, 2021 | Research, Social Inclusion & Integration
INTRODUCTIE Dit handboek is één van de outputs van het All-in-one 4HER/HOA project, uitgevoerd in de periode ‘december 2018 – juni 2021’ en gefinancierd door het Europees Sociaal Fonds (ESF) en de Vlaamse Overheid. Het nationaal projectconsortium bestaat uit...
by BEYOND THE HORIZON | Nov 25, 2021 | Research, Social Inclusion & Integration
Abstract Social networks play a vital role as a source of information for immigrated people and affect many aspects of their lives. They provide access to information, for example about jobs and conditions in the host country. This article intends to highlight the...
by BEYOND THE HORIZON | Nov 16, 2021 | Research, Social Inclusion & Integration
ABSTRACT Flanders has been increasingly receiving highly educated asylum seekers and refugees (HER) for the last decade. It is interesting that native-migrant employment gap is higher for highly educated refugees than for lower educated refugees in Flanders. As a part...
by Keelin Dunn | Jul 16, 2021 | Commentary, Social Inclusion & Integration
Events and social movements of recent years have accused the United States of systemic racism. While there have undoubtedly been advances over the decades in both legislation and public opinion, the rise of nationalist ideology, the resurgence of racist practices, and...