Dear ambassadors, generals, distinguished guests! On behalf of the New Horizons Community, it is my great pleasure to welcome you to New Horizons Summit 2019, Future of the Transatlantic Defence Cooperation organized by Beyond the Horizon ISSG, one of the major think...
It would be fair to split the context in three points: Transatlantic relations and historical periodicity Official NATO declarations often imply that there is something eternal and automatic, and of course something inherently benign, about the Euro-American Alliance....
Watching Madeleine Albright introducing her latest book “Fascism – A Warning” in Georgetown University, her passion on the subject was unmistakable. As a victim of fascism, she spoke about her experiences as a small child in her native land Czechoslovakia, first...
Marianne Riddervold, an eminent scholar of “EU Maritime Security Policies,” is currently an Associate Professor at the Norway University of the Applied Sciences and a Researcher at The Norwegian Institute of Foreign Affairs in Norway. In 2013, she was awarded...
Beyond the Horizon welcomes your unsolicited manuscripts. Upon receipt, we inform you about acknowledgement within six weeks. Beyond the Horizon International Strategic Studies Group is a non-partisan, independent, and non-profit think tank. The mission of Beyond the...