by BEYOND THE HORIZON | Mar 6, 2023 | Research, Social Inclusion & Integration
Sirppa Kinos (Turku University of Applied Sciences, Finland)Ilse Van den Berckt (Eudres, University of Applied Sciences Leuven-Limburg, Belgium)Roza Pambukhchyan (University of Turku, Finland)Marja Kiijärvi-Pihkala (LAB University of Applied Sciences, Finland)Olga...
by Fatih Yilmaz | Dec 29, 2022 | Migration & Integration, Research, Social Inclusion & Integration
Digitalisation entered almost every part of human life with the pace of technology’s advance, fuelled by the pandemic and lockdown. Internet connectivity has unlocked new and faster modes of communication, and we are now more connected than ever before. Digitalisation...
by Dr.Cihan Aydiner* | Nov 9, 2022 | Research, Social Inclusion & Integration
Abstract Immigrants are often pressed to show how they will contribute to a host country, thus proving through their conditions of entry and human capital whether they will be perceived as an asset or burden, and this is juxtaposed with the host country’s institutions...
by Fatih Yilmaz | Oct 6, 2022 | Policy Brief, Social Inclusion & Integration
Reception crisis’ for asylum seekers in Belgium and the Netherlands: What does it tell us? by Fatih Yilmaz, Director of Projects and Partnerships and Mert Serhan Arslan, Research Assistant October 5, 2022 | 13 min read Introduction Belgium and the Netherlands...
by Fatih Yilmaz | Jun 22, 2022 | Commentary, Social Inclusion & Integration
European and OECD countries remain among the main destination points for refugees from all around the world. Since the 2015 Syrian refugee crisis, Europe has been experiencing another mass flow of refugees from Ukraine; the total number recorded is currently 5 million...
by Florentina Drobota | Jun 9, 2022 | Commentary, Gender & Equalities, Social Inclusion & Integration
Home > Archive for Social Inclusion & Integration The EU enlargement processes have resulted in the emergence of new patterns and forms of migration within Europe. In this new setting, the natives of member states exposed to financial instability look for...