by Sebastian S. Stolberg | May 10, 2017 | Modern Air & Space Power, Political & Hybrid Warfare, Research
Turkey is one of the few countries conducting air defence almost solely with aircraft, despite sizable armed forces with a wide array of capabilities. As odd as it sounds, it has been a disturbing reality for military officials for a long time as the Armed Forces...
by Adam S. Locke | May 10, 2017 | Cyber Security, Disruptive Technologies, Political & Hybrid Warfare, Research
Military experts are best known for their ability to plan. Planning is essential in all military activities due to the nature of war. War itself is an ill-structured problem. The better you plan, the less complex the problem gets and becomes well structured. Famous...
by Resul MULAYIM | May 7, 2017 | Geopolitics & Great Power Politics, Research, Terrorism, Conflict and War
France is a country that has always been influential in Africa. Unlike other states, the relations of France, which started before colonialism, have continued without interruption in her pré carré (sphere of influence). France attempted to establish relations with all...
by Hasan Suzen* | Apr 28, 2017 | Political & Hybrid Warfare, Research, Ukraine Crisis Horizon
The aim of this study is to propose a model by comparing “fixed force composition and classical HQ structures” with “a New modular design” that could increase and enhance capabilities and capacity of armed forces, in particular flexibility, adaptability, agility, and...