by Emmanuel R. Goffi | May 11, 2021 | Commentary, Disruptive Technologies
Emmanuel R. Goffi, PhD and Aco Momcilovic, EMBA AI may benefit or represent a threat to humanity in many ways in numerous fields such as education, environment, health, defense, transportation, space exploration and so on. To avoid potential drifts of AI and...
by Emmanuel R. Goffi | Jan 29, 2021 | Commentary, Disruptive Technologies
Si l’on n’y prend garde, l’intelligence artificielle (IA) pourrait bien devenir le cheval de Troie d’une pensée unique qui s’imposerait au motif de l’universalité d’un modèle éthique. La quête de ce Graal que représente désormais un Code universel d’éthique de l’IA a...
by Emmanuel R. Goffi | Jan 26, 2021 | Commentary, Disruptive Technologies
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is progressing. And if we are not careful, it may well become a trojan horse for one single premise: the imposition of a universal approach to ethical decision making. The quest for this Holy Grail of a universal Code of ethics in AI has...