All-in-one 4 HER/HOA
Fast-track Integration of Highly Educated Refugees into Flemish Labour Market
All-in-one 4 HER is a project funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) and Flemish government. It aims to develop a fast-track integration model for Highly Educated Refugees (HER) into the Flemish labour market. The addressed challenge is the employment gap between natives and migrants in Flanders, Belgium which is over the EU average. This gap raises as the education level raises among refugees representing one of the most vulnerable groups of migrants on the labour market.
All-in-one 4 HER project aims to have an impact of reducing this gap by developing a fast-track integration model for HERs in Flanders. This model is being developed based on an action research including relevant tripartite actors, namely organisations, employers and HERs.
This model has been experimented and operationalised by early and effective informing HERs by a Welcome App, helping them to determine their path to work with professional career coaching and helping them on their path by voluntary based mentoring, and bringing all relevant actors and initiatives together on a platform for networking. To make it happen, the project is supported by leading Flemish government organisations and several current initiatives, also a big network of HERs.
The project has 3 main final outputs: (1) Digital platform, (2) Welcome Application and (3) Handbook for integration supporters.
Project dates: 1 Sep 2018 – 31 Dec 2021
Involved staff:
Fatih Yilmaz – Project manager
Samet Coban
Erdem Taskin
Ayhan Eker
Elina Kuokkanen
Fatih Aktas
Anthony Vechiarelli (Intern)
Aya Alrubaye(Intern)
Kawtar Bouchelta(intern)
Naseem Hamad (Intern)
Related focus areas:
Migration & Integration
Diversity & Inclusion
Gender & Equalities
Funder: ESF Vlaanderen (ESF and Flemish Government)
Project Publications
1/ Networking To Work: Introduction to the new models for immigrants in Belgium and Finland (already published on BtH as research)
2/ Labour Market Integration Challenges of Highly Educated Refugees in Flanders (already published on BtH as research)
3/ Handboek voor integratie-ondersteuners: Versnelde Integratie van Hoogopgeleide Vluchtelingen (HER) en Anderstaligen (HOA) op de Vlaamse Arbeidsmarkt (published as a book by BtH)
4/ Networking towards a more sustainable working life for immigrants (published on UAS Journal, can be also published at BtH as an external publication)
Project Events
Project Partners

Beyond the Horizon ISSG (Belgium)

UCLL University of Applied Sciences (Belgium)

Papilio Projects (Belgium)

Research Institute for Work and Society - Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium)

Economic House Ostend (Belgium)

Turku University of Applied Sciences (Finland)

LAB University of Applied Sciences (Finland)

Tampere University of Applied Sciences (Finland)

Public Employment Service of Flanders (Belgium)