The Ignite Votes of Youth Project (IVY) is a significant endeavour fuelled by the efforts of Beyond the Horizon ISSG. It intends to empower and mobilize the young populace across Belgium and Europe. At its core, IVY aims to bridge the chasm between the youth demographic and the intricate web of the European democratic process, focusing on the imminent European Elections of 2024 (EE24) and the pivotal role played by the European Parliament (EP).
IVY sets its sights on two primary cohorts: secondary school students aged 16 and above and university students, particularly those venturing into the voting arena for the first time. The project’s overarching objectives are manifold, ranging from the cultivation of heightened awareness regarding the significance of EE24 to the genuine encouragement of active participation within the democratic exercise, all while laying a sturdy foundation for continued engagement via the dynamic platform.
The Ignite Votes of Youth Project (IVY) empowers young citizens through various initiatives: a significant Hybrid Event in Brussels, enlightening Information Sessions in secondary schools reaching 2000 potential voters, engagement stands engaging 5000 students in major universities, and an innovative 10-week Digital Campaign focusing on key themes.
Sign up now to get voting reminders and ensure you don’t forget to use your vote. Because the more people vote, the stronger democracy becomes.
Project Events
March 2024
Digital Campaign
- Focus on engaging young and first-time voters.
- Utilization of BtH’s website, newsletter, social media, and collaborations for wider outreach.
May 2024
Hybrid Event on European Union in Brussels
- A two-hour event designed for public from diverse backgrounds.
- Features guest speakers discussing:
- The role and democratic values of the EU;
- The role of the European Parliament in EU governance;
- Importance of voting in EE24 and its impact on citizens’ lives;
- How to use the platform for ongoing dialogue;
- Integration with for continuous engagement.
May 2024
Information Sessions for Three Secondary Schools in Belgium
- Aimed at reaching 2000 potential voters.
- Distribution of flyers, posters, and gift items for those registering on
May 2024
Leafleting campaign in Saint-Josse-ten-Noode and Schaerbeek municipalities
- Distribution of 36,000 flyers targeting vulnerable social groups.
May 2024
Information Stands at Two Universities in Belgium
- Stands at University of Antwerp and Free University of Brussels (VUB).
Information on voting procedures, the importance of the elections, and
Project Partners