Beyond the Horizon ISSG and Horizon Global Academy (HGA), like other international organizations, are closely monitoring the COVID-19 outbreak and has taken preventative measures.

We welcome the leading efforts of the World Health Organization and Belgian Health Authorities to raise awareness and provide guidance to countries and individuals.

We are monitoring any potential impact for our staff based on guidance from the World Health Organization and Belgian Health Authorities to reduce the risk of the spread of infection. These include the temporary suspension of certain staff travel, encouraging staff to work from home, and the temporary suspension of visits/meetings at our offices in Belgium. We will remain in close contact with the Belgian authorities when necessary.

We have robust business continuity measures and plans in place, ensuring that our essential work, researches, projects and events continue. We will continue to provide all our products and services with the highest standard of quality. You can keep up-to-date with the developments by reading our commentaries, researches, Crisis Watch reports or attending the online events that we are preparing.

We are sure that with a little effort from every one of us, the situation will soon stabilize.

And, finally, we would like to remind you of our commitment to our partners, researchers, authors, board members and society as a whole, calling for individual responsibility and a sense of collective solidarity in order to protect the health of all. We are convinced that working together, the situation will be normalized as soon as possible.




Useful Resources

World Health Organization (WHO)
Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) outbreak
Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Mythbusters
Rolling updates on Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Questions and Answers

Belgian Health Authority On Coronavirus COVID-19
Coronavirus COVID-19
