Mentoring-to-work in asylum reception
‘Mentoring-to-work in asylum reception’ aims to focus on the labour market participation of highly educated applicants for international protection, by means of a tailor-made offer of ‘mentoring-to-work’.
Due to the specific context of asylum reception, the characteristics of the target group, existing mentoring models cannot simply be applied and adjustment is necessary.
That is why we are providing a preliminary study in this project in a first phase in which applicants for international protection, mentoring organisations and Fedasil are involved. Based on this, a mentoring model will be developed that is tailored to asylum reception that meets existing quality criteria, but also aims for sustainable embedding. It is important that both the needs or requirements of the applicants for international protection and the support needs of mentoring organisations themselves are taken into account. Mentoring organizations will also need the necessary tools and insights to guide this target group.
In a second step, this mentoring model is put into practice, whereby (1) the added value of the model is examined and (2) the necessary lessons for adjustment are drawn. Based on these test cases, the necessary lessons are drawn and a model for broader rollout is proposed if the added value is demonstrated.
BtH develops a mentor training for mentors who will support asylum seekers and implements the program with a number of asylum seekers.
Project dates: 1 Jan 2023 – 31 Dec 2024
Project Events
Mentoring to Work for Asylum Seekers – Challenges and Opportunities
Project Partners

Beyond the Horizon ISSG (Belgium)

HIVA – Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium)

FMDO (Belgium)

CAI Namur (Belgium)