Repercussions of COVID19 to Refugees & the Libyan Crisis WEBINAR
17 November 2020 at 11h00 CET Watch event replayThe unrest of Libya, in the post-revolutionary decade, still unfolding. Among many other crises around the world, the one in Libya is the most impactful for Europe. Namely, from security to economic or from political to geostrategic, its impacts on Europe are multifaceted. The migration dimension is, however, the most significant one. In addition to its crucial humanitarian extent, it is a source of dissent, contention and competition among different EU Member States. Discussions around irregular migration, stemming from Libya, has been threatening the solidarity and damaging the reputation of the EU.
Together with the rapidly changing regional and global dynamics, the conditions of EU aspiring refugees/migrants in Libya has been worsening. Since the beginning of 2020, escalating Libya civil-war, COVID-19, and anti-migration policies of the EU Member States had severe impacts on the conditions of refugees/irregular migrants which are shadowed by the dazzling developments in other fields. This webinar aspires to shed light on this with the latest information from the field.

Judith Sunderland
Human Rights Watch (HRW)

Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui
Médicins sans Frontières (MSF)

Erman Atak
Researcher at University of Maastricht & Non-Resident Fellow at BtH