This course will introduce the concept of computer forensics and its implementation to forensic cases. It helps forensic practitioners, crime scene investigators and forensic experts. This course will have two main parts. Theoretical topics are included in the first part. Digital evidence, types of computer forensics, computer systems & file systems, computer forensic procedures & techniques will be introduced to the participants. In the second part, several professional software are introduced and key information about the examination of the digital evidence will be taught.

After this course participants will have an understanding of the fundamentals of computer forensics and types of digital forensic examination. In addition, the course participants will be familiar with several software and get sufficient information for the further advanced course.

Trainees must be working in the field of security or justice such as police officers, criminal investigators, forensic expert, forensic technicians, forensic practitioners or public prosecutor.


Project dates: 09-13 Nov 2020

Involved staff:
Saban Yuksel
Timucin Ibu
Ozgur Bulut (instructor)
Deniz Yildiz (instructor)

Related focus areas:
Fighting Crime and Terrorism
Disruptive Technologies

Funder:United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

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