Paper submission Guidelines


Beyond the Horizon welcomes your unsolicited manuscripts. Upon receipt, we inform you about acknowledgment within two weeks.

Beyond the Horizon International Strategic Studies Group is a non-partisan, independent, and non-profit think tank. The mission of Beyond the Horizon is to promote global peace and security by empowering decision- and policy-makers with knowledge and advocating paths to prevent, mitigate or end crises and conflicts. We believe in the value of field experience and the necessity to synthesize academic work with realities on the ground. That is why we enlist experts in security theory and practice.

Horizon Insights

Horizon Insights is the quarterly journal published by Beyond the Horizon. In line with BtH mission, Horizon Insights disseminates research offering in-depth analyses, insight and realistic policies about chronic and emerging security challenges, policy briefs and book reviews. For a better understanding, previous issues can be found at or the website can be examined.


We are asking for unsolicited manuscripts between 5.000-10.000 words including notes and references. Your manuscript should not be under evaluation at another institution. It should include a short description about you (the author), abstract, keywords, introduction contextualising your work, results, discussion, conclusion, references and if any appendices. Both abstract and conclusion should be commensurate with the text in length and content.

We preferably accept manuscripts in British English using APA 7th edition referencing style. But manuscripts using another citation style in a consistent way are also accepted. Please leave 1″ margin on all sides and use double-space between lines and Helvetica 11 as the font. Main heading and chapter headings should be in bold, each word capitalised. We do not want indentions in the text but rather spacing between paragraphs. Your figures and tables within the text should be submitted in a separate word or excel file as well. We encourage them to be in tones of blue in accordance with our logo. In any case we retain the right to make changes in the appearance of your tables and graphics. We encourage you to have your manuscript checked by a native English speaker before submitting in order to avoid a direct refusal. Although our editors check your manuscripts from language standpoint, too many problems in English cause early refusals.

Your manuscripts are checked primarily for suitability of the content with the journal’s publishing policies, originality of the ideas and academic rigour. If found appropriate they are sent to a technical editing process which ensures basic editing processes like spelling and line editing. Then the articles are forwarded to our editors to provide a broad overall assessment pinpointing strengths and weaknesses, flagging specific problem areas, and providing general suggestions for improvement. During this process, we retain the right to make changes in your text and headings during all those editorial processes. You may also be asked to make revisions for multiple times. We appreciate your patience.

All manuscript submissions should be made at   The same email address can be used for general inquiries also.

Policy Brief

Policy briefs are publications that reflect the results of policy-relevant research.  They include a short description of the problem, the context, probable or so-far observed courses of action for solution and policy recommendations.  They are specifically designed in a way to make their consumption easy for policymakers and stakeholders in the respective field. In some cases they aim to carry first-hand experience during research or project to the target audience or to make suggestions at a time when a solution is sought to an emerging problem. In any case, policy briefs are publications with potential for high impact.

We welcome policy briefs that are relevant and succeed the following:

  • An executive summary under the rubric of “Key Points”
  • An introduction or background to contextualize the problem
  • An analysis that depicts what exists in terms of solution, and finally
  • Policy recommendations

The average length of policy briefs should be between 2000-5000 words. We expect our contributors to use APA citation style and end notes.

Book Review

We welcome reviews of books that are recent and important dealing with security and defense. Among many, especially subjects dealing with current problems Europe face like migration, terrorism and radicalization are especially encouraged.

The reviews should not be a summary of the book. But they should succeed the following:

  1. An initial paragraph describing the book and its author.
  2. A paragraph presenting the main argument of the author. This paragraph should also show in what ways the book contributes to the literature or the niche it fills within its field.
  3. Two paragraphs maximum summarizing the content of the book.
  4. A paragraph noting what the book succeeds well.
  5. A paragraph noting what the book fails to succeed despite being promised.
  6. A concluding paragraph including a general assessment to include remarks made hereto and recommendations based on its stated purpose.

The reviews are subject to conditions described above for manuscript except for length. The submitted book reviews should be 1000 words maximum. We also welcome your suggestions about the books to be reviewed with justifications why you deem it is important. You can send the book for review to Davincilaan 1, 1930 Zaventem, Belgium. We do not guarantee that we will review the book suggested.

If you are willing to suggest a book for review or want to be one of our reviewers, please send us your short biography at
